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I was just recently fired from my job over a stupid situation.

I was serving this group of friends their food. This wasnt a new group of boys may i add. These boys come here almost everyday to make my life a living hell.

I handed the boy his steaming hot pan that was filled with food. Yes, I did warn him that it was hot and you could clearly see it steaming, but he grabbed the handle like a dummy and burned himself.

I was fired for 'being irresponsible'.

I'm sorry if i come in late everyday because my dusty car keeps breaking down and i can't fix it because you barely pay me enough for a meal.

And i'm sorry if that kid is too dumb to realize that when steam is coming out of something, it's most likely burning hot.

Being fired was my biggest problem. Without that job i didn't have an income to pay for my apartment. What made things worst was that i'm already overdue on rent, meaning i may be evicted soon.

So what did i do? Well first I payed the rent i owed. Second, I cried until i couldn't cry anymore. Than, i ran into a cycle. Wake up, hygiene, eat, watch tv, eat, sleep. And i repeated that.

But one day i got a call from a random person. Apparently my grandmother, who i never knew about btw's, left a house for me. An entire house.

Everything was payed off.

It was a blessing.

Not for my grandmother obviously, since she's no longer here.

But i didn't have to worry about anymore overdue rent.

So i quickly packed my things and started driving to my new home. That's in a whole different state btw.

I HAVE NEVER, EVER BEEN HAPPIER - on hold Where stories live. Discover now