Chapter 1: Lee Ari

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Aris pov:

I am lonely, this emptyness in my heart taking over me. I have nothing to live for, no family, no friends and especially no love.

Its really cold outside, my life mostly consists of steeling. I'm poor, with no where to go. I usually stay in the quite part of seoul, where the stars look beautiful and no one can interrupt my silent cry's. " I feel hopeless, absolutely hopeless".

"what are you doing here all alone little girl" said a deep voice from behind me. "sleeping can't you see" I answered hesitantly. He moved closer and I could see his short brown hair and black empty eyes stairing down at me. " it's cold out here shouldn't you be at home" he said wierded out by the fact I was trying to sleep on a park bench. I didn't answer his question just stared at him hoping he would leave. " I'm Kim Bonhwa, what's your name" he asked, politly. " I'm Lee Ari" i Answer back, "what a pretty name, why don't you come and stay with me and my friends tonight, it's pretty cold, you could get sick" he was right i was freezing so with that I nodded and he took me to his place.

I would say it took us about an hour to get to his but I wasn't sure as I have lost my phone, that I have stollen 2 weeks ago. The house was big and kind of scary looking with tree's all around it. He opened the door and screamed "GUYS I'M HOME AND I BOUGHT A FRIEND"

In about 5 minutes everyone was in the living room. The room was huge and cozy. The fire beside me making me feel warm within seconds, I love it here, I really do. "so what's your name" said an unknown voice getting rid of my trance. "oh im Lee Ari" i Answer to the question asked, "what a pretty name" he said with a small chuckle "I'm Jung seok and these are my friends Jung jeonghwa, han Eun, nam ho and kim Bonhwa who you already know" he said with a big smile on his face lighting the room. He was bautiful, his dark brown eyes screaming happiness and his strong buthed body screaming fear, but why?

After talking for 3 hours a guy that I remember with the name Jung Jeonghwa led me to the bathroom to wash myself after they found out I haven't washed for the past week as I didn't have how. Bonhwa was nice enough he said he would lend me his clothes untill tomorrow as the boys said they would take me shopping. I finished in what felt like 4 hours but probably wasn't. The water was warm and felt nice when it run down my dirty, sweaty but I must say bautiful body.

I went to go join the boys all down stairs. I bowed thanking them for being able to shower and stay the night but Jung seok interrupted "who said your staying the night Ari" i looked at him pure confusion visable on my face "we talked about it and we thought that maybe you could live with us if you like" a smile grew on my face "thank you, thank you Jung seok and all of you so much" I bowed to them all "please call me seok".


This is how I imagine Thier house and living room to look.

This is how I imagine Thier house and living room to look

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I hope you all like the first chapter <3

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I hope you all like the first chapter <3

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