Chapter two

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Xiao's POV

Most of the day just went by like a blur

I was finally heading to my last class, gym

When I got there I saw Aether and Venti trying to get me to sit by them on the bleachers

"Heyyyyy long time no seeeee" Venti says

"I literally saw you last class" I say

Aether laughed and the coach came in and blew the whistle

"Ok." he says "So. Since its the first day we aren't doing anything strenuous"

I sighed in relief

"BUT, we do need to take measurements like hight so everyone get in a line" he says

How tall was I again? I thought like 5'5 right?

I was so wrong.

I was 5'3.

"Hehe I knew you were shorter than me but not that short" Venti says jokingly

"It's not like your not that much taller" I say

"But I'm still taller" he says, putting his hands on his hips

We were getting ready to go when Venti ran up to me

"Hey!" he says

"Yeah?" I say

"Can I get your number, so we can talk more?" he says, handing me his phone

"Yeah sure" I say

I put the number in and handed the phone back to him

"Here" I say handing him my phone "put yours in"

I got my phone back and saw he put a heart by his name, I decided to keep it. It's whatever


Venti: Heyyyyy

Me: You're literally standing next to me.

Venti: And? :p

I look up from my phone to see him smiling at me, I can't help but smile back. It's like his smile was contagious or something

We went outside and started walking home together

We got to my house and said our goodbyes to each other

I walked inside and set my stuff down

"Soooooo" Childe begins "Who was that"

"My friend" I say, sitting down at the counter

"Sureeeee" he says jokingly

"Yeah." I say

"What's his name" he asks

"Venti" I say "why?"

"I dunno you just seemed really happy talking to him" he says

"Were you looking out the window or something" I ask

"No I was actually going to surprise you by picking you up today but you seemed happy walking with him so I let you be" he says

"Oh, well thanks." I say

"No problem" he says "Do you have any homework"

"No, the teachers were nice to us today" I say

"That's nice" he says

Just then I get a text

Venti <3

Venti: Hihi

Me: Hi

Venti: Whatcha doin :p

Me: Nothing, you

Venti: Texting you obvi 😕🤞
I wanted to know if you
wanted to go to this new cafe
type thing down the street from
where you live with me tmr
after school :p

Me: Sure


I made the mistake of smiling at my phone

"Whoya texting" childe says

I jump, I forgot he was there

"No one" I say "Just... Saw something funny"

"Alright" he says "Well I have some business to. attend to, your dad should be home soon if not there's leftovers in the fridge"

"Ok" I say

I lock the door and go to my room

After a while of laying on my bed and scrolling through tiktok I got tired, so I plugged my phone up and went to sleep


Wow a chapter
I promise I'll do venti's pov some time maybe next chapter idk

XiaoVen High school AUWhere stories live. Discover now