CHAPTER 18. Boy In The Tub

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It seemed to be everyone for themselves, making me assume the police had discovered the location and came to arrest the people involved.

I opened random doors and ducked under waving arms, pulling the vampire with me. It was cold, and damp, and the more I thought of all the horrible people enslaving human beings, the more upset I became.

I fell forward, tripping, and the vampire carefully grabbed my hips, gently holding me up. I looked behind me and smiled sweetly.

"Thank you," I told him and he slowly let me go, only for me to grab his hand and walk up an empty staircase. I frowned and pursed my lips, not liking how lost we seemed to be getting. "Do you know as way out?" I asked hopefully, my voice hushed.

He pointed above us and I smiled at the old vents. "Can you reach and open it?" I asked, and he did just that, tearing the entire metal front off.

So he can understand me, I realized and reached up, to pull myself up into the vent. I climbed forward and looked down to make sure the vampire followed me.

Unlike the other vampires in my life, he was small, like me, and actually fit. I smiled and crawled, my knees aching as I moved forward.

We reached the end and I pushed at a metal frame, and fresh air flew into my face. I happily fell onto grass and laughed. "Awesome! Take that! Bitch you thought!" I stuck my middle finger into the air vent- after the vampire stood behind me of course.

I spun around and tilted my head to the side, smiling kindly at the vampire. "Thanks for your help, may I please know your name?" I pleaded, and his baby grey eyes met mine.

"Fallon," he said softly, his voice seeming dry and unused. I grabbed his hand and grinned.

"Come, on, let's get out of-" I paused, feeling eyes and smiled at a police officer, waving. "Mr! Can we get a ride in your cop car?!"

He walked over and squinted. "You escaped from the auction,"

I saluted and he faltered. "How are you so happy?" He asked and looked around.

I frowned. "Well, I got out, I wasn't hurt, and you're catching the bad guys, that sounds like a happy ending - oh, and I even found a new friend, " I raised the hand entwined in Fallon's.

The cop stared at me for a long moment. "You're Raven Light," he said slowly. "That explains that, my chief said you were insane,"

I pointed at myself and shook my head. "No, this is me being in shock, I feel like I'm on drugs," I told him and blinked.

He sighed and nodded. "Yes, let me make sure it's okay with my partners, I think they've got it covered."


I burst through the front door, where all five vampires waited anxiously, having gotten a call about my safety. "This is my new friend, his name is Fallon, be nice, he's shy." I announced, eyes shining.

"What the fuck!" Cross growled and ran his eyes up and down Fallon. "You got kidnapped and then brought a puppy home?!"

"He's not a puppy, he's my new friend," I said and Fallon looked at the vampires blankly.

"Puppy?" Fallon asked and River reached over, pulling me into a tight hug.

I rested my head in his chest, feeling my stiff body relax. River was my safe space, and as he held me tightly, I felt tears spring to my eyes.

"Were you hurt at all? Did anyone... touch you?" River's voice shook slightly, and the other vampires looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I shook my head and glanced over at Fallon, frowning when Lion gazed at at the small vampire curiously, swiping his eyes along his body. "You're as fucking small as Raven,"

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