Chapter 2 - "If you say so Princess."

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The girl’s eyes widened and she took a step back, confusion overwhelming most of her thoughts as she stared at the raccoon. Had it really just spoken to her? Surely it was a pure coincidence and it had opened its muzzle at the same time as someone spoke. Mick glanced around her room multiple times before coming to the realization that the raccoon may have actually spoken to her.

“What?” McKayla hesitantly spoke, staring down at the raccoon sitting on her windowsill, who now seemed equally surprised as its eyes widened behind its mask.

“You can understand me?” The raccoon breathed in shock, eyeing her in confusion and awe.

“How- how are you talking?” Mick asked as she took a hesitant step towards the creature who had now sat down on her windowsill, the sunlight from the sun rising reflecting off the raccoon to create a raccoon-shaped shadow on her wooden floors. The girl stepped into the shadow as she approached the raccoon and reached out for it, as if to poke it to see if the creature was real.

“Don’t touch me- I don’t want your hands ruining my fur that I just washed.” The raccoon protested as they stepped away from her hand.

“Ah, but how are you talking to me? You're a raccoon!” McKayla questioned, her face full of hesitant curiosity as the raccoon tilted its head at her.

“I’ll have you know I am not just any grimy raccoon, I’m a shapeshifter.” The raccoon retorted promptly, sounding almost offended.

“What? Magic is banned from the kingdom, you can’t just be running around as a shapeshifter! Do you have a death wish or something?” Mick exclaimed, before trying to hush her voice so Louisa or any passing maid wouldn’t hear her. The raccoon rolled his eyes.

“If you say so princess; there’s a lot of things that go on in the kingdom that you wouldn’t know about, Princess.”

McKayla narrowed her eyes, choosing to hold back a sarcastic remark on him calling her 'princess'.

“What might you mean about that, raccoon? Is there more of you?”

“Stop calling me a raccoon.” He mumbled.

“Then don’t call me princess, creature.” She snapped back, a small smile growing on her lips still.

“Well, what’s your name?” He tilted his head like a confused puppy, his black mask hiding most of the amused look in his eyes.“How do you not know my name—I’m the princess! You're in my kingdom, you must know my name.” She gasped, staring at the shapeshifter in bewilderment.

“Like you said, magic is forbidden from the kingdom. I don’t think any shapeshifter would want to try and include themselves in a conversation about Royals. Too risky if ya' ask me.” He explained, Mick slowly nodding in understanding.

“It’s McKayla—and if you're so concerned about us royals finding out about you, why’d you come into my room? Or the castle in general, in fact.” McKayla questioned, her tone not as confused as mocking.

“Uhm- doesn’t matter. Anyways, my names Retreo.” Retreo said, obviously avoiding the question. McKayla frowned in irritation that her question had been ignored.

“Also, I’m hungry. Some stupid squirrel keeps stealing the food and some other idiot covered up the hole I used to get into the kitchen.” Retreo sighed as he stared off into space, most likely imagining the delicious food of the castle’s kitchen. The girl frowned thoughtfully before realization washed over her face,

“Were you the one who kept stealing all my sandwiches?!” McKayla glared at Retreo as she remembered all the sandwiches that the maids and kitchen staff had to keep remaking since they had gone missing. McKayla trying to calm them down as they panicked and apologized a million or more times about the delayed lunch.

Retreo stared at Mick, what little bit of his eyes that were visible behind his furry black mask expressed a slight worry,

“Perhaps… Is that a no to the food then? I think I can smell your kitchen maids making pancakes right now.” Retreo frowned as he sniffed the air again, a content sigh escaping as he caught the smell of the pancakes. 

Mick could now also slightly smell the telltale pancake scent wafting through the air and into her room, McKayla’s stomach growling in hunger as it dawned on her she hadn’t eaten yet. She looked over at the shapeshifting raccoon that sat on her windowsill thoughtfully. She could get into big trouble if someone found out—maybe even banished. But then again, she didn’t want the raccoon to sneak into the kitchen and steal some food anyways.

“Fine, but stay here and I’ll be back once I’m done with breakfast.” Finally, she decides, watching Retreo’s eyes light up in excitement and hunger.

“Thank you McKayla!” He grinned happily, rubbing his hands together, already in anticipation. Mick smiled back before freezing as she heard footsteps outside her door.

“Hide!” She whisper-shouted to Retreo who took a dive towards her bed and scurried underneath it.

“Princess Mick— Is everything alright in here?” Louisa’s soft voice called for her outside her door.

“Yep! I’ll be out in a second,” She called back, eyes darting between the shut door and her bed,

“Don’t leave my room,” McKayla whispered to Retreo as he poked his head from underneath the bed, nodding before creeping back under the sheets which hung over the bed.

Mick then turned on her heels and rushed toward the door where Louisa was patiently awaiting her, exchanging acknowledging nods before Louisa took her down to the dining hall where their breakfast was being prepared

Written by Otter
Word count: 936

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