Nicknames (filler... again)

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Isen: johnandSerahugs. Png

John: **** you isen

Sera: 😳

Elaine: so wholesome

Remi: damn now I'm jealous.

Blyke: ship it.

John: I'm comforting my friend after having a trumatic experience, Is nothing sacred????

Isen: I'm in the newspaper club, so no.

Remi: John want to cuddle again.

John: um...

Sera: you did what now...

Arlo: wait you cuddled with a psycho and a chainsaw?

Remi: you cuddled with my brother.


Arlo: that never happened.

John: doesn't matter you're still gay.

Arlo: **** you.

Remi: hey that's my Job.

Isen: guys Sera's getting pissed.

Isen: help.

Arlo: screw you pinky.

Remi: don't call me that asslo.


Blyke: those are hilarious nicknames.

Elaine: hey you guys want to come up with nicknames for the gc???

Remi: yaaaassss

Isen: sure

Blyke: I call Goku

Sera: sure

Sera has changed Blyke to GOtKUked.

GOtKUked: wtf

Isen: lmao

Isen: got cucked lol

Gotkuked: Sera I'll give you my chocolate cake for a week if you change it please.

Sera changed GOTKUKED to Otaku

Otaku: sure this is fine.

Remi: my turn.

Elaine: tazzer?

Remi: no

John: bath toaster

Remi: no way.

John: no that's just my weekend plans.

Sera: pikachu??

Remi: no wait I got it.

Remi has changed her name to Pichu.

Pichu: perfect.

Isen: what about me.

Arlo: *****

John: *********

Isen: why

Sera has changed Isen to sewer rat.

Sewer rat: god damn it.

Elaine: my turn.... um

John has changed Elaine to smurf.

Smurf: I'm actually ok with this.

Pichu: why not smurfette

John: oh because

John has changed Arlo to Smurfette.

Smurfette: ********

John: you deserve it

Sera: my name is already a nickname so I'm good.

John: ok then my turn.

Sewer rat: fire hazard

Smurf: cripple

Smurfette: ************************

Pichu: sexy

John: all of those are trash except remi's

Sera: how about...

Sera: Joon

John: that's pretty good, but it's taken.

Smurfette: what about John D'Arc

Pichu: wait why?

Smurfette: cause I wanna burn him by the stake.

Pichu has changed Smurfette to asslo.

Asslo: why!!!

Sewer rat: yeah, why the first name was already hilarious.

Pichu: too confusing.

Sewer rat: fair enough

John: so what's gonna happen to the kidnappers?

Asslo: Well most likely they're getting a suspension at the best, maybe even expelled.

Asslo: but they're hospitalized right now.

Pichu: wait, how'd they get hospitalized.

John: they probably tripped.

Asslo: yeah, they totally tripped broke several bones, started bleeding internally and externally, also missing some teeth.

John: ye, people should watch their step  who know might happen.

Asslo: **** you

John: I will kill your dog and turn it into a carpet.

Asslo: oh, you wanna play like that.

Asslo: I will hospitalize your mother.

John: ok ok

John: you're little late to do that.....

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