Chapter Twenty-six

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    Sam Lewis 💦💦💦

It's not until we were stood, face-to-face at the park's public washroom, Jordan's hand on the shower faucet, that I was finally starting to connect the dots.

  "Wait..."I started puzzledly, inching towards the door with an escape intent just in case,"why did you march me here and most specifically, what is your hand doing on the faucet??"

An easy grin marrying his lips,"oh, I just thought to give a helping hand. Y'know I can't be walking with a puke stained friend."

Immediately he moved, leaning on the door and angling the hose my way, the alarm bells in my head went off.

He wouldn't dare, would he?

      "Jordan,"I called out slowly with a hint of caution.

The mischievous glint in his eyes was unmistakable.

    "Happy showering."he winked and that was it.

Hell broke lose or however the heck they say it.

Jordan turned on the shower and before I could dodge, the water hit me with so much force at the chest.

I shrieked, making poor attempts at dodging. Not only was the water freaking cold but it was wetting my entire upper body.

    "Jordan, what the hell?!"

"I'm only helping,"he feigned an innocent look, irritating me the more. Is this how boys help each other.

  "Stop it I'm getting wet!"I paced side to side but still got hit by the shower,"I'm getting wet by the water!"quickly clarified.

"The puke is still on your shirt."

I automatically glanced down.

"Yeah so can you freaking stop the shower so I can wash it out?!"

  "That would be so gross coz you'll have to include your hand in rubbing the spot."

  I was hardly listening, dodging the water was also futile anyway and unless I put on my hero pants and grab the damn hose from the guy, I'd be drenched by the time we get out of here.

"Man, this water is not weather–friendly. Can you stop being a complete idiot and turn it off ?"

    "I don't find it cold,"Jordan tested it himself, making it feel like it was warm,"whoa Sam, you a hen?"

I mentally gasped. Hens should be associated with females. Holding my hand up, I blurted,"cock. I'm a cock."

For a second, he looked baffled as he brought down the hose so now the water was pouring on the white marble tiled floor.

I didn't even get to breathe out relievedly when he was pointing the shower at me again.

     "I honestly don't have an idea as to why you refer to yourself as a cock–"

"Technically, hens are the female ones so instead of asking whether I'm a hen, the correct question was to ask if I was a cock because y'know, I'm a guy. But I'm not trying to say I'm a cock as in a cock cock, you get?"I yapped. "Stop the showerrr."

Jordan smirked,as if it wasn't enough already, he started spraying the water all over me.

My shirt, my face, my fake hair, everywhere!

He only had the decency to exempt my trousers but I didn't even see the point coz the water still be dripping downwards.
"For a guy, you really are scared of cold water,"Jordan chuckled.

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