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"In ancient India. A day is divided into 8 pahar. One pahar is equal to present time three hours. First pahar starts when sun rays touches the horizon."

"Get up Yurani. You still had not defeated me." I growned as I tried to get up. From last two months I am training with Karna. I damn sure he gets a kind of sadistic pleasure by beating me. I had some training in my last life they definitely helped me. But I have absolutely no time to spare nowadays. I get up before sun raise to train with Karna, then the court and after that work with Imperial healer. I still work till midnight to uncover if there is any proof of ministers wrongdoings. Luckily I have got some clues but I have no idea how to bring them to notice without bringing the attention of entire court on me. Alas I must me paitent.

I dodged his attack and took the opportunity to kick his legs under him. But he caught me and I ended up in a headlock. I slammed my heels with full force on his foot. As soon as his grasp became a bit loose. I mustered all my strength. I turned and locked his hand on his back. Slammed him on ground with my knee on his back center. I held him there till he accepted defeat. I smiled at my victory. My eyes glistening with my new victory. He just laid on the ground catching his breath. I looked around the ground to find nearly. Note the main word nearly everyone is watching us with there jaw dropping. I arched my right eyebrow. They took the cue and went back to their work.

Muttering and gossiping between themselves. Off course if a Commander of Imperial Guard's who is known for his ruthless tactics and kill count lost a fight with a fourteen year girl who is not to mention Yurani who is thought to be as good for nothing. I tend to draw attention which I definitely don't want. Alas if I got this attention in my last life.

"Yurani ! Yurani ! Maharaj asked for your immediate audience. " Suman said running towards me. "Please excuse me Commander." I said and without waiting for a reply sprinted towards my father's palace without caring for my apperance. My clothes are matted in dry mud and same goes with my hair. Sometimes I have the nerve to cut my hair short. But it will definitely give my father a shock. In our family we only cut our hair short when we lose something dear to us. Whereas men mentain shoulder length hair but soilders and other people engaged in defence are supposed to keep them short. People bowed to me as I sprinted pass the hallways to my father's room where he discuss matters related to kingdom's defence and finance.

I slowed down my pace as the door opened. Entire the Mantri Mandal was sitting on their thrones along with my father. I walked and stood beside my father's throne. "Can you repeat what you said Minister Kartik ?" My father said in a tone oozing authority. Minister Kartik is head of people's welfare. Some people looked at me in irritation. Not liking my presence but they can't object. "Krishna river flows through middle of our kingdom and is also the one of the main water source but in recent years it's flow in summer season had decreased leading to draughts and during the rainy season it's causing floods in nearby area. This year 30% of crops are failed due to it. And the farmers are on verge of starvation. The officers appointed by his majesty have requested for help.

"Maharaj we have already  condone their taxes. We can't give them more money without taking it away from our other expenditures like military and defence." Finance minister immediately said as soon as Minister Vijay completed his words. "It's true your highness. If we continued to give them help it might leave an opening for our enemies to attack us." One of my father's advisor said that this time. Maha Mantri agreed to it through he sounded reluctant. My father signed before asking me."What are your thoughts Alekhya ?"

I can feel the seething and jealous gazes on my back as I took my time to inspect Krishna River's surrounding and put mark on Krishna River's tribunaries and draught affected area. "Maharaj how about constructing a dam and canal system from Panchganga, Tungabhadra and Ghatprabha. This way we can divert the extra water from Krishna river to draught affected areas. Also the farmers who lost their livelihood can get some income untill next crop session by working as construction workers." I told a rough plan of action.

"But how can we transport the raw materials to this areas ?" One of my father's advisor asked. Look like they want to drag me back. Good luck with that. "Through water. We can get the raw materials from Sahyadri mountain range and transport them through rivers to place of construction." I replied arching my eyebrow.
"What about construction co.." I cutted in before he can continue.

"We can cut that out from minister's salary and the cost it take to maintain the maids and all other extra expenses. I hope Lady Chanchala will be equally glad to give up the treasures of gold and silver she had acquired over the years. If that's not enough I can happily give up Queen Bhumi's palace and jewellery. She will be happy in heaven by knowing that her belongings are used for well being of her subjects. Do you have any other query Advisor Vinay." I said in sweet cold voice that definitely sent chills down there spines.

I said in a voice with authority which is both loud and clear which left no doubt for further discussion. I looked around all the Council if anyone have any objection. My gaze met everyone's eyes with bowed in obedience but Maharaj's where filled with admiration. "Maha Mantri prepare a royal decree for all the ladies in palace to give up their extra treasure and maids for the dam and canal construction. And also a royal decree for Queen Chanchala asking to surrender her seventy-five percent of treasures to Court. Yurani Alekhya you will be incharge of the collection." He said handing me the orders with a smile on his face. But it didn't affected me a bit.

Maha Mantri caught up with me as I walked away from meeting hall. "Yurani that was amazing." He said maybe still trying to grasp what I did back there." He admired but I just nodded. "How is your training ?" He asked definitely changing the topic. "Good. I defeated Karna in hand to hand combact, sword and archery." He watched me dumbfounded. I left him there and went out of the palace to find Karna and Suman waiting for me. I gave the orders to Karna for safe keeping as I waked in my personal chambers.

I was lost my future plans of demolishing Chanchala's authority. As I soaked in natural hot spring which flows in my palace's bathhouse. I had cut out her finances but she still has military power and also it does not stop them from robbing it from revenue. Her military power is also undeniable. Just if I can take out that Senapati. Oh yes. "Suman. Suman." I called her. I whispered the things I want in her ear. "No Yurani if anyone came to know I will be executed. Please no." She pleaded. "Don't worry I will take the blame and also you can't refuse me. Can you ?" I said through a sinister smile. She nodded reculantly.

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