Chapter Five - A Job Search

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The message she had received the night before had stated to be ready for eleven. This was what she did, dressed in comfortable clothes as she had no clue as to where she was going.

Arlo arrived a few minutes later than that, barging into the apartment with his boisterous attitude and glowing smile. Cameron was greeted with a bone-crushing hug, breath being knocked out of her, but a smile spreading along her lips.

Arlo, his dark hair always chaotic, seemingly a personification of himself, was boisterous all times of the day. He was a morning person and a night person rolled into one, always charged and ready to do something and bring joy to everyone while doing it. One of the things she loved about her spirited brother.

She was dragged out of the apartment, Lloyd in bed sleeping. She had heard him up late the night before, his muffled voice cutting through the wall that separated her room from his. His voice had raised a few times, waking her up from her slumber in the early morning. It stopped the nightmares from creeping up on her so she didn't complain.

Now, with the bags under her eyes less, and a nervous feeling of not knowing where she was heading, she sat in Arlo's car. His mouth was moving like a blur, and his driving seemed to be the same.

"Arlo! Watch the-." Cameron slammed her eyes shut as they narrowly dodged a taxi turning out of a junction.

"-I'm telling you, living with Diego is like living with a grumpy troll. He shouted at me for just making breakfast this morning." Arlo complained, twisting the wheel sharply and sending Cameron sliding in the passenger seat.

Her hand gripped onto the armrest, knuckles turning white. Why Myles had decided that Arlo was going to drive, she had no idea. She had never been in a car and felt that she was going to crash so many times. She had to admit that Arlo was skilled, for not letting them crash yet, but she would not be getting in a car with him behind the wheel for a while. Maybe only to be dropped off back at the apartment from wherever they were going.

"Myles does make up for it though. His cooking is always beautiful; the tacos he made the other day were godly. If only he would make them again soon." Arlo beamed, twisting around another corner at lightning speed. Cameron could attest to Myles' cooking. He could make the most random ingredients into something everyone liked. "Oh, look. We're here."

Cameron gazed out of the window, her shoulders slumping when she spotted where she had been driven to. "The job center?"

The building stood in the middle of a car park, it's dreary maroon walls and patterned windows making Cameron bounce her leg nervously. It was larger than she had expected it to be, having heard of the place by other employers when they had denied her request to work at their business. She had never wanted to go there though, her stubbornness making her find a job for herself.

"Myles heard you lost your job, so he thought you could do with a pick-me-up and decided to help you find another one." Arlo explained, parking the car with a sharp press on the breaks.

Her hand gripped onto the door handle as the seatbelt kept her in place.

"I- uh." Cameron bit her lip, a lump appearing in her throat.

Arlo back-pedaled a bit. "Of course, if you're not comfortable, you don't have to do it. Myles wouldn't want you to feel bad if you want to go in. We know you can find a job on your own, but we thought that we could help and it would stop you from roaming further out of the city because of how many places you have already visited. You could always work for-."

"Arlo," Cameron interrupted him, placing a shaking hand on his arm. She gave him a small smile, hoping it didn't look too much like a grimace. "It's fine, honestly. I was going to have to come here at some point. I don't mind the little push."

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