he what?

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  "Why is he still there? " Jimin asked as he took a bite from the pancake Jin prepared for his breakfast , it was the next morning after his encounter with the stranger, he still didn't know who he was since after he met him the day before Jungkook miraculously made him sleep the entire day under the excuse he wasn't feeling well and since he refused to go see a doctor then he must for sure rest all day and that's what he did , waking up in the morning Jungkook wasn't beside him for the fourth day, Jimin concluded he went work since no one expect Jin and the stranger were home , must be something urgent he thought but yet he couldn't stop his feeling from going to the negative side , he knew he was acting like a bitch nowadays but he couldn't help it, he was getting moody over useless things and whenever he tried to apologized to Jungkook he ended up yelling and cursing at him again eventually Jungkook got sick of Jimin's attitude so he started sleeping in another room and avoided all sort of interact with Jimin , not that he was happy about what he was doing yet he just can't stay beside Jimin when all the latter do was getting mad at him and yell and him being a mafia boss staying calm doesn't necessarily match his personal, so staying away was better then fighting with Jimin.

" He'll be staying for a few days " Jin replied while looking toward Noah who was sitting on one of the couches in the living room speaking on the phone

" Why? " Jimin asked confused

" Got some work and he has nowhere to stay except here " Jin added

" He can just stay at a hotel " Jimin said again with a pout before taking another bite from the pancake , Jin just looked at him for a second before he suddenly asked with a louder tone of voice making Jimin flinch for a second

" Do you know him jiminie?" Jimin shook his head before looking again at the strange man with a disgusted face and then replied again

" Not at all , I'm I suppose to know him ?" He asked , Jin just shook his head in denial and went silent , he didn't know if he was supposed to say anything about this matter, after all it was Jungkook's personal life and it was a sensitive topic but yet Jimin was his husband he should know everything about the latter ,  Jin can't come and speak about things that aren't related to him if anything jungkook himself should tell him about it, it's been more than a year actually almost 2 years since Jimin kidnapping and his stay in the mantion but never not even once Jungkook told him about himself not even a single thing, all Jimin knew was that Jungkook got the leader title after his grandfather and the hyungs were all saved by Jungkook, nothing else he didn't know if the grandfather was still alive or dead, if Jungkook got a family or his background he had zero idea, at first he was feeling sad about this since he wanted to know about Jungkook as much as the other know about him but whenever and whoever he asked about it they tend to avoid the topic so he eventually stoped trying to know more about his husband life specially after Namjoon told him it was the most hurtful and hateful topic you could open a conversation about with Jungkook. So he just gave up and never thought about it again.

" Hyung " Jimin called getting Jin out of his thought maze , he blinked a few times before looking at Jimin concerned face

" Did you say something ?" He asked

" You've been spacing out for a good 5 minutes , are you okey " Jimin asked concerned, Jin just smiled at him before ruffling his hear softly

" Yeah, I was just thinking about something , did you say anything " Jin asked

" Yep, I said who is that thing" Jimin asked pointing at Noah who was still on the phone in the living room , Jin just stared at him for a few not knowing how to respond

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