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Younger asks his brother, "Will you really leave?" Who was it that was smoking by the railing? His hair was fluttering in the cool September breeze. His gaze was drawn to the nightscape. He gives a nod.

He blows smoke and says, "I'm tired of this lifestyle, I need a break."

"Were will you go?" Younger, leaning forward, inquires. "Somewhere," says the older.

This causes the youngster to sigh heavily.

"I'll assist you when I return. But, for the time being, allow me to depart," Older say.
Younger sighs loudly.

"Sure," Younger replies.

They stood peacefully on the city's tallest structure, watching the sunset. Older puts down his cigarette and turns to leave. The corridor was quiet and dimly lit. He no longer fears the dark as he walks along the trail.
He enters his room and unlocks the door.

Doing his usual night-time routine. He changes into his nightwear and collapses on the bed. He extended his hand towards the night-lamp, He closes his eyes. He wasn't even fully asleep when he heard the rumbling sound of footsteps. Bolting awake from his sleep, he crawls under his four-poster bed. The sound of footsteps is intense. Then, he hears the sound of constant gunshots from his silencer.

They should have told me I would be having a guest. A smile appears on his lips as he pulls out his gun, loading it with bullets and fitting the silencer on top of it. He pushes himself out of the bed, pointing the gun at three masked men. He pulls the trigger.

One shot to the chest.

One in the brain.

Another, Aish, I missed him.

A masked man points the gun at him. He twirls on the floor, dodging the bullets. Until one of them hit his arm. He winces, but redlexively. He kicks the gun off the masked man's hand. punching him in the ribs. I heard a satisfying crack sound. He then moved on to punch his weak points. He punches the man's face. Despite making him fall flat on the floor, he kept on throwing kicks and punches. Until he saw the man half dead, He stops pushing his hair back with a smirk on his face. He takes his gun and points it at him. He pulls the trigger.

Why would he send amateurs like you?

A low chuckle escapes his lips. He moved to the couch, collapsing on the top. The metallic smell filled his lungs. He had no choice. He stayed there for a moment, catching his breath. He gets up and walks over to his bed. Picking up the phone from the nightstand, he walks over to the couch.

Dialing a number

"Jay, "Get someone to clean my room," he said, and was instantly greeted by silence.

How can this guy fall asleep after picking up the call? He thought about rubbing his face.

Yeah! Wake up. I need you! " He yells on the phone, waking up the person.

"Okay, and?"

"Find who sent them," he orders, and receives a dissatisfied tongue click. He fumes at hearing it.

"Hyung, don't you already know who sent them?"

He argued, letting out a sigh and rolling his eyes.He looks outside the window; the sun is rising from the tall buildings.

 To be continued...

✉: Don't forget to vote💀 everyone. Or I'll haunt you in on your dreams

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