10 - The Holes

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Wednesday, a week and a half before arrest

As I sit at my desk going through the last of the files my phone beeps.

I recently downloaded an app that let the townsfolk message me sooner about anything they need help with. It's been pretty successful so far.

I pick up my phone and read the newest one.

Grove farm - There's a hole in the wall and my crops have been dying from something not normal. How soon can I get help with this?

I glance at the time. Three o'clock. I should be able to get this done before supper if I leave now.

I head downstairs and find mom in the kitchen. "Can I borrow the car?" I ask. "The Grove farm needs some help."

"Sure. Just don't be out late."

"I won't."

I grab the keys and hop in the car.


When I pull up to the Grove farm Mrs. and Mr. Grove wait on the porch and stand when they see me. They walk down the steps and stand outside of the car as I get out.

"Thank you for coming Lumi," Mrs. Grove says.

"You're welcome."

"We really appreciate this," Mr. Grove says as he takes my hand and shakes it.

"It's my job." I turn to Mrs. Grove and shake her hand. "Can you take me to the problem?"

"Sure. Follow me." Mr. Grove turns and walks into the field of wheat.

I follow him down the narrow path that separates the wheat rows. As I walk past them they brush against my arms. They're soft and tickle me.

We walk for a good while before I see the problem.

A few rows of wheat are black with green vines with thorns spiraling around them. Just behind that is the protective wall that surrounds the town with a gaping hole in it.

"These weeds have been popping up for a week. I've tried to pull them but they keep coming back the next day. It's been spreading too. Started from one to four to this much." Mr. Grove explains.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Didn't have anyone to deal with it then."

"I'm sorry." I lay a hand on his arm. "You have someone now though."

He smiles. "And I'm glad for that."

"Can I work on this alone? It shouldn't take more than an hour."

He nods. "Holler if you need anything. My wife and I will be listening."

"Thank you."

He nods and starts back the way we came.

I bend down and examine the vines closer. Everywhere that they touch the wheat is punctured by a thorn. The thorns must be the way that the poison is spread. But where did they come from?

I lay a finger on the vine, careful to avoid the thorns. My finger starts to tingle as I freeze the vine. The ice spreads slowly, starting like a layer of frost before it freezes completely.

I look around the area trying to find something strong enough to break it. My gaze lands on a small rock sitting by itself.

I pick it up and aim it at the ice vine. With all the force I can muster I throw it.

The ice shatters against the force of the rock. A sound like glass breaking rings throughout the field.

I sigh and head to the next one, doing the same thing.

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