The Tuba Wizard

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Once again, another story designed to be read along with the song. While the original comment on the video doesn't have timestamps, I still encourage you to go give it a like!

"Hohoho.. really? You thought you could kill the people of my kingdom, and then just be friends?" The wizard pouted, "How foolish!" He cackled.

"You know.. I've been thinking..." The maniacal mage's face turned puzzled. "For years, the humans have enslaved the brass, but despite our affinity for musical magic, we somehow never got the upper hand... How could this possibly be?" 

"Well, the answer is, quite simple really. - Despite our abilities, we've never had the right... 'brainpower..' if you get me." A twisted grin returned to his face, and he quickly spun on a heel to face the pulsating orb. 

"That's why I decided to take things into my... own hands." his expression turned grim.

The wizard took a step towards the note orb, "The king is growing senile, it's painfully obvious that he is no longer the strategist he used to be. I just think he's... unworthy of the role." 

"But while I may be a powerful wizard, I can't overthrow a kingdom singlehandedly." He chuckled, turning back to you; 

"That's when you humans came along! You weakened our manpower, lowered our morale... I even managed to convince the king to engage a war!" The delirious wizard grinned, his hands hovering over the orb. 

"Then came the Strings! Harboring the 'note orb'; something that can grant someone... immense power." 

"You see what I'm getting at..?" 

You struggled under the magical force holding you down.

"I mean, I never expected the plan to go this easily."

... From the very beginning, the Wizard had been angling things in his own direction.

"All it took was a request to the king, and you humans easily formed the squadron with me! Talk about gullible!"

He was the one who caused the war that rid this world of so many people, who in the long-run, had rallied the Human-Tuba Shock squad.

"Oh... this FEELING! My hard work finally paying off, years of planning." 

He had set out everything from the beginning, planning to overthrow the king and rule over not just the humans, but the strings and any other nation out there. 

You'd been playing according to his plan this entire time... 

"No matter." He said quite simply, snatching the orb from the air, powered by the blood sacrifice of hundred of innocents.

The orb shattered in his hands, as he rose from the ground.

"You were outside the realm of my calculations - killing the Tuba-Knight, he took a lot of hard work... NOT THAT IT MATTERS ANYMORE!!!"

Thanks again to Aurora Australis for this sick theme. Had a lot of fun writing this one.

Check out his channel here:

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