Silver core Mage?

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After deciding to leave for the Beast Glades, I knew I had to say my goodbyes first. Making my way to the Sapin Royal Palace, I was greeted with respect by the guards who allowed me inside without any problems. As I approached Kathy's palace, I saw her standing outside with a slightly flushed face.

But instead of embarrassment, her expression reminded me of one of our worst fights when she was angry with me. I noticed Curtis looking at me apologetically, and I realized he must have confessed the truth about something to Kathy. Curtis seemed to have a weak will.

Nonetheless, I continued with a smile on my face, relieved to see Kathy up and about. As we locked eyes, she appeared as if she wanted to shout at me, but she seemed embarrassed and withdrew instead.

I couldn't help but think how cute she was. We stood in silence for a moment before she cleared her throat and said, "Jude, what were you thinking? Why did you fight the Lances and get yourself arrested? Do you know how worried I was?"

Without hesitation, I embraced her and patted her head. I felt her face grow even redder as I spoke in a calm tone, "I only punished Lucas because he dared to even think about harming you. No matter who gets in my way, I will always protect you from anyone who tries to harm you."

After releasing her, I suggested we continue the conversation inside, motioning for Curtis to lead the way.

Kathyln POV:

I jolted up from my bed, my heart pounding in my chest as my memories flooded back. I remembered the confrontation with Lucas, his grey skin and powerful magic overwhelming me, his taunts about torturing me in front of Jude before killing him. Despite knowing that Jude was far superior to Lucas, his words had ignited a fire in my heart, causing me to fight even harder despite the odds.

"Kathlyn!" My brother's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I turned to see him approach me with a worried expression. "Thank goodness you're awake," he said, giving me a hug.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"Xyrus Academy has fallen," he replied solemnly.

I felt a surge of shock and fear at his words, my mind reeling at the thought of the academy's destruction. But my thoughts quickly turned to Jude, and I asked my brother, "Where is he?"

Curtis chuckled nervously, his eyes darting away from mine. "The first person you look for is always Jude," he teased before adding, "He went to the Council to receive a medal for saving the remaining staff and students, as well as the princesses of Diacthen."

I rolled my eyes at his obvious lie, knowing my brother was never a skilled liar when it came to me. "Stop lying," I said firmly. "Tell me what really happened to Jude."

Curtis let out a deep sigh, looking resigned as he spoke. "Promise me you won't get angry, okay?" he said, his voice hesitant.

I nodded slowly, feeling a sense of unease settle over me as I waited for his explanation.

And then he told me about the Lances attacking Jude, and the Council's decision to arrest him. I was dumbfounded by the news, struggling to understand how such a thing could happen.

As Curtis explained the situation, I tried to make sense of it all. The Council consisted of four seats, one for each of the royal families: Sapin, Elenoir, Darv, and Master Galahad. But with Master Galahad and the King and Queen of Elenoir on Jude's side, it seemed unlikely that the vote for his arrest could have passed.

But as Curtis continued, my confusion only deepened. Apparently, the Council had voted without Master Galahad present, and the charge against Jude was excessive violence for torturing Lucas, the mage who had kidnapped the two princesses.

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