part fifty-eight

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the one with brownies.

part fifty-eight

"Got room for one more?"

Juno lifts her head to see Haechan standing at the threshold to the fourth floor kitchen. Her lips don't turn up at the sight of him as usual. Instead, she turns back to her steaming mug of coffee. "No," she deadpans.

Haechan steps inside anyway. He sits silently on one of the high chairs beside her, propping his elbow up on the counter and resting his cheek on his fist as he looks at her.

It's midnight, but the lights are on, since this kitchen is tucked deep between the crevices of two adjoined hallways, hidden from the outside. It's smaller than the other kitchens, but cozier, too. Juno has never been here until tonight, when she'd felt too restless to sleep but didn't feel like getting caught again anywhere else. She doesn't even know how Haechan's managed to find her.

"What do you want?" Juno grumbles, when she's gotten tired of ignoring him staring at her. "Shouldn't you be on the fifth floor with the others?"

"I actually volunteered to stay behind and keep you company," Haechan says. "I went to your room, but it was empty. Then I went to the downstairs kitchens and walked the halls for a bit before trying here."

"Why?" Juno questions, avoiding his eyes.

There's something in her tone that makes him stop. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," she answers, quickly.

"No. You know I'm almost as stubborn as you are, so you should probably tell me now, otherwise we'll be here all night."

The clock's ticking is the only sound for a few minutes. Juno fidgets with her cup as Haechan keeps his eyes on her. He's definitely getting too comfortable with that. Eventually, she gives in. "It's stupid," she mumbles.

"That's never stopped you before," Haechan tells her.

She smacks his thigh and he yelps, but at least she's nearly smiling now. "You weren't going to tell me about exploring the fifth floor."

"Yes," he drawls, lightly poking her stomach, "because you're still recovering from literal stab wounds. You shouldn't even be out and about right now."

"No, it's just..." Juno's mouth turns down again. "I don't know."

"Then think about it and tell me." Haechan says, but she suddenly looks like she's about to cry. He's out of his chair in an instant, stepping over to stand in front of her. She ducks her head, so he crouches down so that they're forced to make eye contact. "What is it?"

Juno takes a deep breath to steel herself. "I want the truth. Do you guys secretly hate me?"

He blinks. Once, twice. "What the fuck?"

"I told you it was stupid, it's just... ugh, it's what my brain keeps telling me and the more I think about it..." she rambles. "I don't know."

"Listen." Haechan tilts her chin up so she's looking him in the eye. "Nobody hates you."

Juno nods with her face in his hands, exhaling slightly. "Okay."

He narrows his eyes at her. "What brought this on?"

She hesitates. "I don't know," she repeats. "Seeing you guys at the café the other day... it made me sad, which is pathetic, but it did. And then you all planned this entire thing to the fifth floor without telling me anything about it. I had to hear from Chenle and Jisung. And my stupid brain convinced me that it's because none of you like me anymore." Juno shrugs, feeling foolish as her eyes well up. "I don't know. I'm dumb."

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