Chapter 9: Let's get the show on the road!

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Marinette's P.O.V.

I walked out of the Shadows and there was a large cheer from the crowd. "Good evening Paris, There are a few announcements to be made before the runway fashion show starts. From now on My companies name has changed from MRDC to MRSC and it may or may not be because of me being adopted, as my family believed a liars word over mine and disowned me" There was total silence in the crowd, "There is nothing to worry about but for now let's get the show on the road! " Everyone cheers. I quickly go backstage and change in one of my designs...

Third Persons P.O.V.

In the crowd, the fashion queen was waiting to see what new designs her little bug has made While Mr. Agrest was kind of freaking out by finding the identity of the little fashion designer, as he reached the conclusion it was no other than the girl he wanted to work underneath him for her fashion sense or the girl whose life he has ruined...sensing his discomfort fashion queen said "Don't worry Gabriele and don't tell anyone her identity. I am serious about it. Let the girl live a little after all your little liar model has ruined her life. You must be thankful she has not yet complained about the liar and your abusive son to the police and ruined your reputation."

Gabriele was terrified by how Audrey was speaking about, more specifically about his son being abusive. He sure was going to look in to this matter by himself. Just then the spotlight turned to show the runway walk has begun. The pattern was easy to recognize It was LadyGold(Chloe) followed by LadyScar(Kagami) Finally by   LadyRed(Marinette):

(They all were wearing a simple mask which suited the dress and just imagine the mask and enjoy)

(They all were wearing a simple mask which suited the dress and just imagine the mask and enjoy)

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