Chapter 9: The Truth I

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The first thing I do when I wake up is assess my surroundings. I cannot see anything since my eyes are closed, but I can definitely feel that I am on a bed. Back in the medical cabin perhaps? The first thing I see when I open my eyes is a monochrome room. The walls are black while the furniture and carpet is white.

Turning my head, I see two people, a man and a woman sitting in chairs beside the bed I'm in. They are whispering to each other and seem to be having a very deep conversation given the fact that they have not noticed that I am awake.

The man has long dark purple hair with stripes of gold, silver and white in them. His skin is extremely pale, and his eyes are -oh my gods is that King Chaos! Why would he be on Earth? Is he the man I bumped into? Oh gods, don't tell me it was him.

Tearing my eyes away from him I focus on seeing whether I will recognize the woman as well. She definitely looks like someone I know but I am only sure once I see her eyes.

'Mama!' I exclaim before jumping straight off the bed and into her arms. Unfortunately, I miscalculated just how far the chairs were from the bed and almost plunge headfirst towards the floor if not for my gravity powers which immediately activated and saw me floating into my mother's arms. Not allowing my almost concussion-inducing accident to deter me, I snuggle into her chest and let out a content sigh. I've missed her.

Mum is frozen for a moment, probably shocked at either my sudden hug or at the fact that I almost fell to the floor headfirst, before her arms wrap around me. She rubs her cheeks against mine as if indulging my childishness and I giggle at the ticklish feeling.

It takes a while before my actions catch up to me and my eyes widen. I try to pull away from my mum, but she holds me to her, smirking mischievously at me. I turn red as I realise that my childish mind had completely taken over with my influx of feelings.

Right in front of King Chaos.

I am going to die of embarrassment.

I turn even redder when my mom kisses both my cheeks and then drops me on the bed. I immediately turn to King Chaos my face becoming even redder (which I previously did not think possible). How could I forget that he was here? Why is my mom here and sitting next to him? I feel like I am missing something. Like my mom and King Chaos have a secret and refuse to tell me about it.

'King Chaos,' I say, bowing my head almost to my thighs. I would get off the bed but to bow but that might not be the best idea as I do not really know the state of my legs and it would be extremely embarrassing to get off the bed to kneel only for my legs to crumple underneath me and for me to fall to the floor. 'It is an honour to be in your presence, a mere demigod like me would never even dream of being graced by your company, and that is even without your attention. I-' I would have gone on and on with a monologue of King Chaos' greatness in order to divert what has to be anger from me if not for him interrupting me. That is honestly the whole point of the monologue.

I realised that I seem to always find a way to anger some god, titan, or primordial. Not that I didn't notice before, it is just that I did it on purpose then, now it's by accident. I've tried to stop doing it but it just doesn't work so I decided that instead of trying to stop the inevitable, I try and reduce the amount of trouble I would get into by soothing their anger with an unending monologue of their greatness and how it is even greater when compared to my 'useless achievements'. I spent weeks coming up with a monologue for every titan, god, and primordial I have ever met (except the Olympians of course, I want to annoy them) and some that I may meet in the future so that I am prepared. It was extremely tedious coming up with them all and then memorising the main points so that I can twist them to fit the situation, but I think it would be worth it. Like right now.

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