Chapter 8

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I was waiting in the waiting area at the police station for my mom to be done helping Scott and Stiles after Jackson got away and let's just say Jackson's dad was not happy to see my mom there since he's lost a lot of cases to her. My mom did happen to talk everything down to a restraining order which Mama McCall and Papa Stilinski were glad she did but were beyond pissed at Scott and Stiles.

"Thank you again for your help Oceana."I heard Mama McCall tell my mom.

"It was nothing, Melissa."My mom responded before making her way over to me." I'll see you at home I have to finish one last thing on a case." she said kissing my head after I nodded

I was about to leave when I heard Mama McCall talking to Scott.

"It's not just this. Although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you would reach quite this soon. It's everything on top of it. The completely bizarre behavior, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr. Harris for you to make up that chemistry test that you missed."I heard her say

"I missed a chemistry test?"Scott asked which made me facepalm.

"Really, Scott? Really?"I heard her say which made me laugh a little. "I have to ground you. I am grounding you. You are grounded."

"What about work?" Scott asked

"Fine. Other than work.And no TV."Mama McCall said

"The TV's broken."

"Then no computer."

"I need the computer for school."

"Then no... No Stiles."I heard her say which made my jaw drop

"What no Stiles?" I heard Stiles ask

"No Stiles!" She said which caused me to laugh" And no more car privileges. Give me your keys. Give'em to me!" I then heard the sound of keys being handed over. "For the love of God."

"Mom, do you want me to..."Scott asked

"No." Mama McCall interrupted

"Mom, come on, let me just... Mom. Mom!"

I heard Mama McCall sigh before speaking again."What is going on with you? Is this about Ella?" she asked which caused Scott's heartbeat to pick up at my name.

"Do you really wanna know?"Scott asked

"Yeah." Mama McCall said causing Scott to stutter." Is this about your father?" she waited for a response"It is, isn't it? Okay, you know what...We'll talk about this at home. I'm gonna go get the car."

"It's gonna be okay Mama McCall."I said once I saw her causing her to jump. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to let you know everything is gonna be okay."

"I really hope so Ella."She said

I pulled her into a much-needed hug.

"Don't worry it will be, Scotts just going through some stuff and just know no of this is your fault."I said pulling away from the hug.

"God I hope so and thank you for that, I really needed that Ella."She told me.

"No Problem Mama McCall, I'll always be here for you and Scott."I told her truthfully

She smiled and walked out to get her car. I once again was about to leave when a voice stopped me.

"Ella?" Scott asked

"Scott."I said with a small smile.

"What are you still doing here?"He asked walking closer to me.

"Well, I was about to leave when I heard you and your mom so I stayed to make sure you'll be okay, and then I stopped her on her way out and we talked for a bit."I told him

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