Soft Footprints

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Harry had been driving in extreme silence for a while now, the afternoon was slowly drifting by, the sun was in a rush to set soon. His mind was trouble, his soul was stirring in pain. He kept his facade up, but his inside was hurt and stained.

Louis had been soundly rested on the seat next to him. Harry couldn't wait to reach the safe place so that he could patch up Louis' small burns. They didn't look that bad, but they needed wrapping in some soothing cloth.

It took a speed bump for Louis to stir awake, his blue eyes slowly opening, trying to make sense with everything around him. He panicked at first, but than calmed down when he noticed Harry, worryingly looking at him.

"You okay Lou?"-Harry asked gently.

Louis shook his head.-"No..."-Looking at his hand he winced.-"Burns, everything burns. My lungs feel like they're on fire."-He said softly.

"We're driving away from the city, I'm taking us somewhere safe, We'll take care of those there. Firstly...We should stop by the market."-Harry said looking back at the road.

Louis adjusted himself on the seat, coughing as he did so.-"Thanks Harry...You've been doing so much already. You should probably just take me back h-..."

"No. It's to risky. For both of us. As long as you're with me, everything will be alright."-Harry said placing a hand on Louis' leg.

Louis was to tired to even think, so he just went with it.

Harry stopped at the first market he spotted.-"I'll be right back..."-He said as he got out.

Louis rolled the window down.-"Buy me a pack of cigars."

Harry sighted than left mumbling something that sounded like.-"You where just about to fucking die burned alive, now you want a cigarette to smoke on! Right makes total sense to me!"

Louis was slowly drifting off again when Harry opened the back door dropping many bags on the backseat. He passed Louis his pack and than closed the door, getting in and driving away.

Louis worked his way through the pack of cigarettes and lit up one, tucking it between his lips and slowly dragging the smoke with his chin held up. He closed his eyes trying to find some rest as he let the smoke out just as softly as he dragged it in.

Harry just watched mesmerised. Louis was so some literal odd creature that god only made a limited edition off. And Harry had the chance to even be in the presence of one. Odd thing was Louis outside was calm, inside was tired and probably still asleep, but once he wakes up, Harry knew, Louis would not settle for a cigarette and than thats all for the day. He'll ask for answers, ones he does not have.

Louis threw the cigarette out of the window once he was done than closed it, turn the AC on.

Harry looked at him again, worried.-"You sure you're fine?"

Louis nodded than rested back on the seat closing his eyes slightly.-"Can you help me a bit?"

"Anything Lou."-Harry said reassuring.

"You know...the calming pheromones?"-Louis said with half of his voice.

Harry was taken aback for a bit.-"Sure! Try to get some rest, we're still half an hour away."

"Wake me up."-He said and closed his eyes properly wrapped in the calm scent of the forest and"-He said as he slowly drifted back to unconsciousness.

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