2️⃣0️⃣ [ Real Showdown Of Secrets]

291 12 15

Last Time~

Others: BOBOIBOY! / AAR! RA!

??: Call me Eclipse!

A few minutes ago~

Boboiboy: *floating in space* Oh no! *freezing* I have to do something! 'Solar: Aaron call me and Ra out then fuse!' 'Aaron: But won't it-' 'Thunder: I know but you have to do it!' 'Ice: Please Aar!' 'Aaron: Ok then'

*sun rises*

Boboiboy: Great! AARON DUAL SPLIT! *splits into Solar and Lunar and hair grows long*

Solar: Ready Ra?

Lunar / Ra: Ready Aar!

Solar / Aar: Let's fuse now!


??: Boboiboy Eclipse!

Eclipse was fusion of Lunar aka Ra and Solar aka Aar. Eclipse was a male but had emotions and body (You know what I mean right?) of female. Cap was gone and instead of cap a crescent moon like clip with a star appeared. Wearing a teal coloured high neck inside. Jacket pattern like Solar but in purple. Wears a scarf. His visors are yellow with fading shad of purple. Finger-less gloves. And holding a scythe also known as Eclipse Scythe.

(The pic how  Eclipse looks like is in the previous chapter)

Eclipse: Eclipse Teleportation! *teleport to the station behind Diastro*

Diastro: I knew it you won't give up that easily sweetie

Eclipse: *angry* Only my mom is allowed to call me that!

Diastro: Oh don't worry I won't call you that!




Diastro: But I will kill you!

Others are just watching both of them fighting helplessly. They are trapped in a barrier and can't do anything.

After Sometime of Fighting~

Eclipse: *pants* *coughs* 'Aaron: I am getting more weaker because of this sickness and stupid disease. Aora, I am calling you out. I can't fight anymore.' 'Aora: Ok then I am ready' 'Solar: Good luck both of you!' 'Aaron: And............ if this also doesn't work............................ I am sorry' 'Thunder: No it will work! I am sure-' *gets thrown into the wall* Ugh! *falls on the ground but manages to stand somehow* I must do it now!

Fang: Do what?

Axel and Amato: *eyes widened* No! STOP AAR!

Boboiboy: *ignores them and gives them a soft smile* *transforms into her real appearance*

Kaizo: Is that really Boboiboy? He looks different and more like a..................................... girl

Ying: Yeah what's happening?

Diastro: *smirks* Great! She is now doing it. But I think she doesn't know that doing it makes that much worse.

Boboiboy: *think something and divides into two person*

??: *opens eyes* Sister?

Aaron: *smiles*

Diastro: So you have finally decided show huh Aaron?

Fang: What? Aaron? 



~Awkward Silence~

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