Reach out for a drink

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Ah, welcome, welcome, Issei-san. Or should I say Issei-kun, since I've been told your wedding with my sister has been made legal already- I feel that perhaps a degree of familiarity between us is in order." Lucifer nodded with a good-natured smile on his lips that did not make Momonga's paranoia any easier. "How fortunate that you could find time to meet us, with all the other things that must be filling your schedule right now. I'd preface this with the usual compliment of big brotherly threats should you treat Rias poorly, but I think we're both mature enough to understand what would happen without me specifying it. And on the related note, I hope my sister's current mood is not because of your actions."

"Umu, acknowledged. And this meeting is a bother, not at all." Momonga's voice was resolute on the outside while he positioned himself so Rias was between Lucifer and him, doing his best to give the air of being in over his head and being just a fumbling teenager, hoping for the best. "And yes, I'd like if we referred to each other more familiarly from now on, Lucifer-san..."

"Please, call me Sirzechs." Lucifer nodded and looked out of the window.

After Lady Phenix had delivered her news and essentially caused Rias to enter a first stage of mental breakdown, a guard had come to invite Momonga to talk with Lucifer about 'some recent findings'. Momonga held no illusions that he could just turn down the 'invitation'.

In the end he had dragged Rias with him to serve as his shield, leaving the rest of Rias's Peerage and Riser's Queen to 'mingle' while the two moved to a meeting room that caused Suzuki Satorou to feel even more apprehensive than he had before, the ominous feeling of meeting a CEO after failing completely with a project hanging eerily in the air.

The fact the trio of Sirzechs, Beelzebub and Tannin within the room were all staring at Momonga didn't help the comparison.

Beelzebub's stare through opaque glasses didn't help the situation, neither did the raging look the lizardman sent Momonga from his place next to the wall of the meeting room. And Momonga's 'nope' meter started to approach critical levels when the lizardman started to creep towards the room's sole door almost as if to block off his escape route.

It seemed that Rias would be of little help either as she was staring at a cup of tea in front of her almost as if she was in a trance, content to merely trace her finger around the cup's rim while her lifeless eyes looked into the depths of the not-very-deep tea. Which Momonga couldn't really blame her for, he'd likely be the same if someone had suddenly disbanded Ainz Ooal Gown and told them to join a guild partly responsible for the disbanding or have their characters deleted. That, or he'd be absolutely livid and right now the depressed Rias was better than a ball of hellfire-Rias.

"So, um, what did you wish to talk about... Sirzechs?" Momonga faced the music. "Something about a great red... thing?"

"The Great Red. The True Dragon." The lizardman growled. "You have his scent, faintly but unmistakably. Dragon's sense of smell cannot be fooled."

"Uh..." Momonga squinted his eyes. 'Oh, he must mean that big red dragon in that void place... Hm, if that lizardman can- wait, did he just imply he's a dragon himself?'

A drop of cold sweat fell down Momonga's neck as he glanced at the lizardman who met his gaze with open hostility. 'Oh no. Dragons were one of the strongest races in YGGDRASIL and the bosses that were dragons were almost universally the hardest ones... So, thus far I've identified Lucifer, Beelzebub, and a dragon in this place. Just how many strong enemies can one cram into such a small area?!'

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