chapter 3

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--------------------------------------------------------------Toby: This is

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Toby: This is...

Jim: Yeah.

Toby: Whoa.

Jim: Pretty much.

Y/n: this is your home?

Blinky: Trollmarket is a home and hearth and sanctuary for all good trolls. This way, my friends. There is much to see.

Toby: Dang! And here I thought the only thing underneath our town was dirt and plumbing.

Blinky: Stay close. Human feet never graced the ground of trollmarket before. Or more likely demon in your word, Master y/n.

Jim: Demon?

Y/n: shurgs

Random troll: Human?


Jim: This is crazy! Are you getting this tobes?

Y/n: I don't think that the trolls-

Toby: Oh, yeah. On it.

Y/n: sighs
Toby: Check it out! Peridot, Topaz, Cassiterite! [Gasps] Kornerupine!

Random troll: [growls annoyed]

Toby: Hi.

Blinky: Your knowledge of minerals is almost troll-like, Tobias.

Jim: So, your kind, you all live here?

Blinky: trolls travel from afar to our market to find comfort and remedies.  You'll find most anything you need and sometimes you'll find what you never knew you needed.

Jim: Oh, hey, little guy! That'd a cute pointy hat. And pointy teeth!

Y/n: smiles and just carries two gnomes

Blinky: Look out! Get away! Get out of here! Vile vermin! Be gone!

He says that while hitting the two gnomes away from your hand.

Y/n: :<

Jim: What is that?

Blinky: Gnomes are vermin. Pickpockets, scum of the earth! We only tolerate them for their grooming services.

Jim: Grooming?

Blinky: They eat the parasites on the larger trolls.

Toby: Jim! Y/n! Check it out! Maximum coolosity there.

Y/n: it looks amazing!

AAARRRGGHH: Heartstone.

Blinky: The life force of trollkind. The means that keeps us from crumbling to stone and the stone of light and sustenance.

jim lake's sister [Trollhunters Series]Where stories live. Discover now