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Every silky leaf of the giant ferns whip against his torso and face as he sprints through the persistent greenery of Lunar Grove. His breath comes heavy as his muscles work hard to keep his legs moving forward. The suns high above in the emerald sky, beat down their rays, making his body leak precious fluid beneath his red and black armour with the sigil of house Bal emblazoned across his chest plate.

Manu skids to a halt between the ferns surrounding him and looks to either side, they eclipse his head by at least a foot or more. The mossy covered stems reaching the height of his waist, blocking out almost everything.

"By the Mother! Damned ferns are evil," he says, swatting one away.

He fills his lungs but instantly regrets it as the damp earthy aroma clogs up his senses entirely making him cough. It comes out hard and dry, his throat raw from the pursuit.

"Ahh! Damned smell. Why, oh why did you have to come to this cursed place, Freya?" He peers through a gap to his left, his eyes straining for a glimpse of her before looking back in the direction he had been hunting.

"I will find you, woman. And when I do, you will finally feel my wrath."

Manu runs a hand along his forehead and flicks away the liquid before peering over his shoulder.

"Come, we will find her this time. She has fled to the end of our world. At the edge of this grove, there is only death. The land is barren and has been for an age."

Manu turns to them now, taking in the glory of his death squad. A grin spreads across his face as he marvels at them in their brightly polished armour the shade of blood. They stand there covered from head to foot in it, their main body armour piece runs from their shoulders down to their thighs, but they are segmented into hundreds of overlapping plates giving them the freedom to move, unobstructed by the limitations of standard plate armour. And attached to it are the long armoured sleeves with the vambraces pinned at the end to cover their forearms. Their legs are protected by greeves made from the same segmented materials right down to their thick hide boots. But what gives them away as his personal guard are the ornate faceplates incorporated in their helmets. In the style of a red demon, with horns rising above their heads and sharp teeth protruding from the mouth.

Standing together, Manu beams at his achievement in creating such a fearsome sight. His face begins to hurt as he realises his mouth is stuck in a smile. Manu stops, shaking himself from his trance and turns from his men knowing they will follow his every word, even if that is to the end of Antar itself.

But to the province of Natori, I did wonder if they would follow me here. Well, let me see how far they will truly come, once they see what lies beyond this freakishly luscious grove.

"Come, let us hunt."

"Aye!" comes the response, low but menacing.

"Forward for the glory of Bal!"

"The kill. The kill. The kill," they chant as they move off in unison following their commander and king.

I will find you this time, Freya. That is a promise. You will pay for what you did to my Maya.

They move off through the giant ferns with the green leaves whipping at them with every step. Trudging along their armour make no sound, the only noise coming from their boots squelching in the mud beneath their feet.

They walk for an hour by the look of the passing suns above before a rustle ahead makes Manu stop. He holds his left hand aloft with fist closed, a signal for them to hold their position. They obey without question, waiting in anticipation for the next phase of their attack.

Betrayal - A BrightStone Saga NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now