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"Hola mamá" You said as the door closed behind you.

"Hola, Y/N!" She was excited. "How was your sleepover with Dolores?"

You had kind of forgotten that was the story you told your mom. Your heart ached a little.

"Good!" you smiled. "I'm gonna go put my stuff down."

She nodded as you climbed up the stairs.

You were no stranger to secret relationships. You had tried really hard throughout your grade school days to like boys but it just never felt right. You knew you liked girls from a very young age. Unfortunately, you had to keep that all to yourself. Lots of the girls you had dated had boyfriends but they would also be seeing you. It didn't exactly create a healthy relationship with dating for you. You realized you probably should be more open with Luisa about that. You didn't want your past relationship struggles to get in the way of something so perfect.

Your room felt cold. It was like all of the lifelessness you didn't feel with Luisa came to live here. It was dark and lonely. You passed the time trying to read but you just couldn't seem to manage to focus long enough. You decided to go on a walk instead.

Town square was bustling this time of day. In the ripe heat of the afternoon. People were buying from the market and playing in the square. You heard someone shout an all too familiar name


You whipped your head around. It was just a towny who needed some help with something but even still your throat filled up with butterflies. Not for you. It felt like sharing her and you didn't like it.

"Y/N" someone said. You turned slowly to see who it was.

"Francesca Guzman." You said slowly. "It's been a while."

Francesca smiled. She looked exactly as you remembered her. Tall and tan, her long hair now pulled into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. She looked less young than you remembered her. She looked so much like her brother.

"How have you been?" she asked

"Really good actually" You relaxed a little as she spoke. You weren't sure her motivation to speak to you. You almost instinctively told her about Luisa.

"You look happier"

"I am. I hope you are too"

She smiled, indicating she's not. Which made sense because she married a man so young. And it didn't help she was gay. Your heart ached a little for her. You had been so close but you ended up in such polar positions. Mariano knew about you and Luisa and was very kind and accepting, you wondered if he knew about Francesca too.

She was the first girl you ever kissed. You distinctly remember the feeling, like your head was buzzing and your vision blurred. Now Luisa made you feel that way every day. But, after trying so hard to be attracted to boys, it was so Different.

"I know I haven't seen you much since I married Rafael, I'm really sorry about that" She looked down. You knew she was apologizing for more than that, but she couldn't speak so freely in the middle of town.

"Don't be." You smiled at her. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you we're getting together with him and I'm so sorry"

Even though you had 'dated' you were also really close before then and it really did hurt to loose her friendship.

"Well then we probably have some catching up to do!" she seemed excited that you weren't mad at her.

"Yes! I have so much to tell you"

"Me too!" She said, pulling at the back of her skirt so it was tight around her stomach. It was clearly round. "I'm pregnant"

You were shocked but excited for her. "Wow! Francesca that's amazing! congratulations. Are you excited?"

She shook her head no.

"Francesca I'm so sorry" She insincerely smiled.

"Thank you" she whispered, looking down. 

You desperately wished you could speak more freely to her.

After Luisa was done with her chores for the day she came by the alleyway. You frantically kissed her. You were so thankful for her and that you were living this reality and not the nightmare Francesca was living. You made a mental note to tell Luisa everything but you knew she didn't have long before dinner. And neither did you.

"Will you come over to Casita tonight?" she asked between kisses.

"Of course" you said, without even thinking. She smiled that perfect smile.

"See you soon" She kissed you again.

Luisa Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now