Salty Feathers

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I kept my face buried in Itek's ruff as he glided along the thermals (that's what he called them) towards the next island. Every couple of moments I'd force myself to peek over his feathers to see if we were there yet. The island remained stubbornly far away for a long time.

Ethat flew slightly ahead and off to the side, with Asund in wolf-form hunkered down between his wings, Korr behind Asund, and Ormiss behind Asund. I could have made a lot of jokes if Asund hadn't looked like he regretted his offer to be in wolf-form. Even with the wicked wind and cold, it was obvious Asund was not very secure on Ethat's back just clutching at the dragon's scales and precariously perched.

Ethat's larger wings, even still a bit tattered and not completely healed, made for good gliding, though. Once he'd gotten airborne he just skimmed through the currents. He didn't seem like it was too much for him.

The weather started to come in from the west and the winds started to toss Itek around. I clung to him and tried not to scream. The island was getting close now. It wasn't very big, I could see it from one end to the other, but it was bigger than the little slip of an island we'd started on. It even had one single determined tree in the center, and what looked like a small little pond. Maybe it would be fresh water. Or maybe it'd just have some small sharks in it. There were a lot of big rocks stabbing up from the sand, and a lot of clusters of grass.

The first few drops of rain started. Itek flapped his wings against a sudden gust, then we dropped through the air.

He tilted down, wings spread, then just as fast, we swooped up again. My stomach tried to fall out my vagina.

Asund still clung to Ethat. Ormiss had reached around Korr to grab his tail. The wind tore at Ethat's tattered wings.

Itek flapped, his whole body moving with each powerful stroke, and he twisted his wings slightly backwards as we sank towards the island.

It could have been a single fucking rock for all I cared right then.

He stumbled slightly on landing. I flung myself off him and rolled into the sand.

Ethat wobbled in the air, flapping hard, stumbled, ended up face-down and on his knees in the dirt. Sand went everywhere.

"Asund!" I flopped over as Asund somersaulted off Ethat.

Itek tucked his wings against his side. Ethat picked himself off and shook sand off his horns.

I scrambled to my feet just as Asund emerged from some sand and grass, smug and in human form. "I bounce well."

I breathed out in relief, and turned my attention to Ethat. Ormiss had already slid off him, and Korr was carefully doing the same, exhausted and gray, his skin having lost its strange icy luster once more.

"I'm fine," Korr assured me, although he sounded breathless and tired.

"He's alive," Ormiss corrected. He pulled Korr's arm on Korr's good side over his shoulders.

"I've been in worse places than with a shifter's ass against my cock, and a hippocamp's cock against my ass," Korr said.

Ormiss rolled his eyes. "If my cock was against your ass, you'd know."

"Exactly. I said against, not in."

Ormiss shook his head.

"He's loopy," I said with a sigh. Korr was more of a mess than he wanted any of us to know.

"This way," Ormiss told Korr. "Murder-dragon, give me a hand with your brother."

Ethat took Korr's other side and they guided him into the rocks and grass. We picked up the packs.

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