20 - Don't Be Scared

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I pulled my shoes on and went to open the door, only to head Springtrap's voice behind me.

"Y/n? I thought you were taking me back to.. y'know." Springtrap asked. I paused for a moment before looking back at the bunny animatronic.

"Uh, I figured that was a bad idea. They did a pretty big number on your legs and I didn't want that to happen again so.. yeah.." I explained, covering up the real reason. Spring looked at me hesitantly before nodding.

"Alright.." He mumbled. "See you later?" He asked, a hopeful tone in his voice. I smiled awkwardly and nodded, opening the door and stepping outside into the dark. I took a deep breath.

This is fine... I thought as I began going down the steps.


"This isn't fine!" I panicked as I closed the door on Foxy. I looked to the right and saw Freddy in the doorway, making me reach over and try to close the door, only I was stopped as he grabbed my wrist. Tears welled in my eyes as I looked up at the bear.

It's only 3 a.m.! Not right now!

Freddy's blue eyes bored into mine, making my posture shrink. Freddy began walking, making me stumble and fall. I cried as the bear tightened his grip on my wrist and dragged me down the hall.

Freddy turned a corner and began making his way to the room I dreaded.

The room with the Freddy suit.


I began to try and grab onto things as we passed them, putting off my death for as long as I could. Eventually, I was able to grab onto a doorway and hold onto it, my toes hooking the corners and my arm clutching onto the edge.

Freddy looked back when my arm stopped moving with him, making him grumble when he saw me latched onto the doorway.

The bear stomped back over to me and dropped my wrist, wrapping his arms around my waist and dragging me up. I sobbed as I continued to cling onto the doorway, only making Freddy more agitated.

"Let go." He growled. "No." I cried as he yanked me back, making my nails scrape on the metal wall. "You're only putting off the inevitable." Freddy huffed, yanking me back once more.

How am I holding onto this... A robot 10x stronger than me is yanking me from this door, yet I'm keeping my grip..

"Let." Freddy grumbled, adjusting his grip on me.

This is it...

"Go!" He yelled, ripping me from the doorway. I sobbed as I tried to reach for it again. Freddy began adjusting his grip on me, slightly leaning forward. As he did, he froze, the 6 am bell ringing after.

... How. The. Fuck.

Did I really fight an animatronic bear for three hours?!

I began struggling to get from Freddy's grip as he walked to the stage, not letting me down.

I yelped as my body slipped through his arms, though my wrist was still in his grip.

"Oh my god." I groaned, leaning my head back as the bear continued to drag me to the stage.

Freddy walked up the steps of the stage, making me hit every corner possible. I yelped as Chica stepped on my foot as she walked to her spot.

That has to be broken.. sprained at least..

I huffed as I began trying to stand, though my hurt foot was making it extremely difficult. I yelped as I slipped yet again and fell all the way down, my arm still being in the air.

Don't Be Scared [Springtrap x reader]Where stories live. Discover now