Realize the stove was left on

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Good, good. Now that we've gathered..." Lady Phenix opened the conversation after Momonga and his 'partners' had wobbled and hobbled down to the first floor's dining room after showering, changing clothes, and swapping the thoroughly stained bedclothes.

Koneko was eyeing Momonga with a wary and incredibly suspicious look, only pausing to say 'I was wrong, Hentai is still hentai' before stalking behind Yuuto while holding her nose.

'...I thought acute smelling was a dog's trait? Or is she just implying that... oh.' Momonga resisted the urge to sniff his fleshy body for signs of body odor, his or someone else's.

Asia was looking like she had seen a ghost, completely pale and lifeless, and it looked like she hadn't had a wink of sleep last night, while Yuuto was eyeing Momonga with a suspicious, steadfast and slightly envious look.

Rias was blushing again, Akeno was nibbling her breakfast that the servants who accompanied Lady Phenix had made for the group, while Xuelan and Yubelluna were sitting beside Momonga and listening to Lady Phenix, food untouched in front of them as they were waiting for the woman to finish her speech before beginning to eat.

The two women's self-control was laudable on the account that the breakfast brought in by Lady Phenix's servants both looked and smelled quite appetizing.

The blonde girl who Momonga had accompanied to the shopping trip, Ravel Phenix, was also present for some reason and was sitting beside her mother.

"...May I have your attention, Issei?" Lady Phenix snapped her fingers in front of Momonga's face as he realized his attention had drifted off. "You can focus on your Peerage afterwards."

"Ah, I'm terribly sorry. I lost focus." Momonga apologized to the woman who relented and continued her speech. He leaned to listen while taking a small sip from the tea one of Lady Phenix's servants had put in front of him.

"Right, as I was saying, there has been another undead attack in the Underworld." Lady Phenix dropped the bomb without sugarcoating it, causing Momonga to spit-take his tea.

'Wait, what? I... I told the Elder Lich to... hold on, I meant for him to ask Lord Phenix to kill some of the undead the Lich could summon with his magic and that'd solve if undead summons could give experience if Lord Phenix gained any, and then have two undead fight each other and if the winner gained experience it'd conclude the experiment... The Elder Lich must have some other plan for doing this... has he gone rogue? Or did he misinterpret my orders?' Momonga thought furiously. "W-what happened, exactly?"

"We don't exactly have a full picture due to the undead's thoroughness, which was quite disturbing by itself, but it's theorized that a group of undead ambushed a group of young devils who were having a vacation near Phenix family's main grounds. The group managed to call our security before perishing and gave the descriptions of the assailants, but as you could tell from my past tense, by the time the security got there they found nothing but signs of a quick and brutal battle." Lady Phenix explained. "This is quite alarming both because the attack happened near our family's grounds, meaning that this 'Supreme Being' is likely still targeting myself and my children, and because this shows that the 'Being' is gathering people, or rather, their corpses. Sirzechs guesses that the Undead are likely to attack with full force soon, and are likely targeting the Phenix family."

Ainz Ooal Gown: Supreme Being in DxDWhere stories live. Discover now