Chapter 3 : The Hideout

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Y/n felt tired now . Admittedly she was very excited to start flying at first but now it had 3 straight hours and still she hadn't reached the academy .

Deep down y/n yet again questioned herself on 'why go to the academy if you are certain they are all dead' . But eventually she sighed . Her self doubt was increasing.

It was worth it though. She would rather spend her life with a complete stranger from the academy than to live by herself .

Y/n sighed try again and thought about all the numbers . They would all be 28 or 29 by now . And possibly never age again ..... y/n thought darkly but immediately shook her head and shooed away those thoughts.

For sake of gaining some sanity she flew down and turned her body back to its original self again . Flesh and bones . Besides y/n was already exhausted from using her powers for 3 hours straight.

Y/n sighed and looked around at the burning buildings .This was definitely the town but it seemed much different now . Probably because it had 16 years of development.

Y/n looked around hoping to find some sign of life but found nothing . She was hungry again and she looked around but couldn't find anything .

She was surprised to see a cockroach 🪳 still alive and y/n was tempted to eat it until she realized what she was thinking and she puked .

She left that cockroach and went ahead to find actual food . And eventually she arrived at a block and she recognized it .

Excitement bubbled inside her and she felt a bit nostalgic. Y/n knew 💯 that this was the same block where the gigantic house of the umbrella academy was .

Y/n practically flew towards the direction of the house and she turned herself into gas and then literally flew there .

Out of the corner of her eye she saw some movement and she could have sworn she saw someone going through some piles of stuff .

But that wasn't possible .... Y/n ignored her illusion and went towards the academy. But when she reached there she held back a scream . There were 4 dead bodies there among the rubble . Y/n with tears in her eyes saw there a tattoo on one of them and she knew without a doubt that this was them . The umbrella academy .

Y/n lost all hope . And she cried her heart out right then and there.

Y/n after 30 minutes of mourning people she had never talked and never seen each other , left that place .

All hope was lost then ,,, y/n though grimly . She sighed sadly and flew away .

She was about to leave town when she saw something interesting. It was a military base in town .

Y/n decided to check it out expecting nothing . The base was well hidden and surprisingly in better condition than most buildings.

Y/n went towards the entrance but the entrance was locked . And it was a weird type of passcode. It was 'Eye Scanner and Finger print' . Y/n knew what a finger print was but what the fuck was an eye scanner ?!

Y/n sighed and turned her self to gas and passed through the door and not her surprise there were no dead bodies there .

It was surprisingly clean . Y/n looked around and spotted 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms a kitchen and even a huge a** store room . She opened the light to the store and her jaw dropped . It was filled with a years worth supply of food for at least 4 people . And that's when y/n realized .

That this wasn't a military base . It was a top secret hide out in case of Armageddon. How painfully ironic , y/n thought bitterly .

But then y/n squealed . She didn't have to worry about food for at least another year .

And y/n decided something . She was gonna stay inside there for a while . She didn't want to remember reality of the outside world .

So that's what she did . She ate , slept and watched TV ,which was connected to a super charged generator , technically the only reason she watched tv was because of the DVDs 📀.

And that's was y/n's life for the next couple of weeks . She never once stepped outside .

————TIME SKIP 1 Month 10 Days————
—————————-DAY 43——————————

To say that y/n got bored WASN'T a understatement. Sure of course she was surprised by how well movies were now or were . But at some point the loneliness crept back in . It had 43 days sunscreen she arrived here .

Y/n sighed and she knew it was time to go out . She went outside the bunker . And it was all the same . The same ashy cloudy sky . But at least some buildings weren't burning anymore ....

She decided to go towards where the academy was . She felt a special connection towards them . Probably because she and then both had powers .

Well they had powers , y/n thought depression creeping back in .

Y/n sighed and started to walk towards the academy too tired to fly .

After a long walk she reached there . She closed her eyes to avoid seeing there corpses . She took a deep breath and expecting worst like a rotting body but then to her shock there were no bodies ..... only graves ...

Y/n looked at the graves in immense shock .....

Were they here before ? No they weren't ! Y/n looked at the graves and she gasped at the names inscribed on them . They were Luther , Diego , Allison , Klaus , Ben and Vanya .

Y/n knew that these were the umbrella academy's names cause she practically had every information the public had . But who the hell was this Vanya ..She had never heard or seen of a Vanya .......

Maybe she was a member of the academy that joined late ?

Y/n then shrugged and physically slapped herself . This wasn't the question she needed to ask . The question was ... who the hell made these graves .... It sure as hell wasn't y/n . And that only meant one thing ...... there was another survivor as well...........


Authors note :

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