Chp 5

12 1 0

I woke up to hear arguing from downstairs and growled lightly.

Dumb wolf hearing

I growled to myself and got up, sliding into the nearest hoodie before slowly going down the stairs.

"Where is she?!" My mothers voice demanded.
"She's resting." Preston replied calmly, followed by growling.
"Either you tell me where she is right now or so help me I'll tear u limb from limb."
"If you did, you'd be tearing your daughters soulmate limb from limb." I growled light as a gasp rang from the room.

How dare he use that to get out of dying

Protect mate! Protect mate! Protect mate!

Akira kept shouting in my head and I winced, slowly blinking at my parents with Preston and man and woman behind him.
"Guys, I'm fine. Like I said."
My mother gasped and ran over to wrap me in a hug. I sighed but leaned into it, taking a deep breath to inhale her scent, it always calmed me.
"I'm so glad you're ok Essie."
She pulled away and looked me over, checking for wounds or bruises. She paused and frowned as she noticed the one on my neck and I quickly explained what had happened, mostly to avoid my soulmate getting torn limb from limb.

After I finished explaining I was basically dragged into my parents car -without Preston- and we drove away. I looked out of the back window and frowned as I saw my mate near tears as he waved.


Preston's POV
It's been weeks since my beautiful mate was taken away from me and I... wasn't handling it the best. My room was constantly a mess, I was snapping at friends and family, I was always moody and nothing seemed to make it better. After a month has gone by I was dragged into the car and went for a ride with my parents.
"Why am I here again?" I asked.
"Because Preston, we have a meeting with a neighboring pack and we want you to be there." My father replied, shooting me a look.
I sighed and watched as the scenery flew by, although I wasn't really paying attention to it, I was thinking about my soulmate. I hadn't gotten a moment of sleep since she left, giving me plenty of time to fantasize and dream of the one I was meant to be with.

Her lips tasted good
My wolf reminded me, making me remember the one kiss we had shared.

It might be the only one we'll share....
Don't think like that. We'll get mate back, you'll see

I frowned at Doran's confidence, something I wish I had. But the way I saw it was, she and her family didn't want anything to do with me and that was that, I'd have to move on from being rejected and find someone else to be Luna, despite the fact that they wouldn't be as good as her.
The car pulled through large metal gate and went past huts and houses where people of all ages watched us pull up to a large manor.
My parents stepped out and I followed, my usual scowl plastered on my face. It smelled nice, and oddly familiar...... before I could see who or react at all someone slammed into me and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. I felt my shirt getting wet.
"I've missed you......" the lovely voice of my precious mate made me freeze.

My soulmate is hugging me, she /missed/ me...
Well duh, don't just stand there like an idiot. Hug her back!

I quickly wrapped my arms around her and buried my nose in her hair, taking a deep breath to fill me senses with her. I didn't care who saw us, all that mattered was I was here, holding my mate.
"I've missed you too."
She nuzzled me lightly and I glanced up, blinking awkwardly at all the people who had been watching the exchange.

She pulled away slowly and wiped her tear stained eyes, sniffling, and mumbled an apology.
I kissed her cheek lightly. "Don't worry about it."
She smiled weakly and I noticed the dark circles under her eyes, she hasn't slept much either.
"Estrella, I said no contact." The woman from all those weeks ago, who I assumed was her mom, growled lightly, reaching to pull her back.

My mates name is Estrella... it suits her well......

I growled but Estrella squeezed my hand gently. "I would love to obey your every command, but you did want me to find my mate and look I found him, now I /really/ need an extremely long nap and he's coming with me, one because I can't sleep without him now," she shot me a glare.
Was I supposed to just let her lie unconscious in my backyard?
"And two because he needs sleep as much as I do, byeeeeeee." She dragged me into the manor, ignoring her mothers shouting, and led me up to what I assumed was her bedroom.
The walls were a nice sky blue with flecks of white, the carpet was forest green and kinda fluffy. The bedspread had two wolves, one laying down and the other standing over it protectively, there was a bean bag chair in a corner with a few stuffed animals and she had a desk with papers of all kinds all over it. The best part about her room was it smelled just like her, and there were tons of pictures of her smiling and laughing, just enjoying life as a little kid. It made me smile.
"We're not here so you can stare at pictures of me."
I turned and blinked at her while she laid on the bed.
"Maybe not but it's one sight I'll never get tired of looking at."
She rolled her eyes and pointed to the beanbag chair.

"There's extra blankets in the closet."
She frowned at me, making my heart squeeze. "You didn't think we were sleeping /together/. Did you?"

I looked down at my hands awkwardly. "W-well kinda.....? I assumed so..."
"Look, just because we're soulmates doesn't mean I like you. If you'd just have left me alone instead of trying to be a hero, we wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't need you to sleep and I wouldn't be such a stupid mess."
"You're not a stupid mess Estrella. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

She growled and threw a pillow at my head. I flinched.
"Be glad I don't have a book, pervert."
"Hey, I am not a pervert i just thought you wanted me to sleep with you."
"No, I don't. I only need you in the same room."
"Fine fine, but can I ask you something?"

She groaned and scowled at me. "What now?"
"If you don't like me, why would you do that stuff you did when I got here?"
"If you must know, that was my wolf. She got overly excited when she recognized your scent and it caught me by surprise."

I nodded slowly and grabbed me a blanket from the closet, the moment I stepped out I noticed her already out cold on the bed, nuzzled into the pillows.

She's adorable......
She's ours......
My wolf reminded me quietly.
I smiled to myself and pulled the blanket up to her shoulders gently before plopping down on the beanbag and basically passing out from exhaustion.

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