For the Boys : F4

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Daoming Mansion, a sunny morning

"Shancai! Look here, quick." Xiaoyou yelled from across the room. Shancai, who was reading a manhua, jumped from her couch.

"What is it, Xiaoyou?"

Xiaoyou scurried over to Shancai and sat beside her, holding her phone in from of her best friend. Shancai gasped seeing the contents of the screen.

"What! Are you serious?"

She snatched Xiaoyou's phone and looked closely at the screen, with the news on it. 

"They can't be kidding, right?"

Xiaoyou jumped excitedly. "I can't believe it as well. Think about it, a drama. A DRAMA! Oh my dear!!"

"Oh my God! Do the boys know about this?"

Xiaoyou sat down again. 

"I don't know. Ximen did not mention it."

"Nor did Ah Si. But they should know it by now."

"Shancai!" squealed Xiaoyou. "You are so lucky. Your story is now going to be made into a drama! You are such a cool friend." She hugged Shancai tightly.

"Ae!" Shancai patted Xiaoyou's shoulder. "Isn't it about the F4? That means you are in here too. Don't try to escape." She pinched Xiaoyou's cheeks and she gave out a cute laugh.

"What are you guys talking about?" A face popped from the door before entering. 

"Ah! Xiaozi. Have you heard?"

"Yes! Of course. I saw it on my way. Congratulations."

"Xiaozi, you are in here too. You should also be congratulated."

"Then let's do one thing. Let's say congratulations together."

"That's a brilliant idea!" squealed Xiaoyou.

"Wait a minute." Shancai rushed out of the room and within a few minutes, came back, a maid following her with a tray containing three glasses of wine.

"Let's raise our glasses."

They smiled and took a glass each.

Xiaozi raised her glass. "To our success."

Xiaoyou said, "To the success of the upcoming drama."

Shancai smiled. "For us. For the drama. For the boys."


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