Old Candle, New Flame

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Dane was sweet and showed me around the pack house shortly before he took me outside to a small inclosure which turned out to be a indoor garden. It was so peaceful and beautiful that my earlier anger toward my mate was forgotten. I wandered around a bit taking in the splendor of it all whoever had made this place must have loved it very much. I took a seat on the bench and closed my eyes letting myself relax for a moment, “This was Claire’s place?” I questioned but in my heart I already knew the answer. 

Dane came and sat down on the bench next to me, “She used to have me escort her here all the time—mostly when she wanted to think or when Noah was making her mad.” He elbowed me on the last past and I smirked, “Oh so it’s not just me?” I tease as I open my eyes once again amazed by all the colors around me. Dane chuckled but didn’t say anything else in response. 

I thought I should feel weird being in Claire’s special place since it felt like she might appear at any moment.This was Claire’s world out here, the last remnants of her that existed outside of memories. It was my only way to truly learn and understand her without prying into painful memories and feelings. I could tell that Claire was a kind and generous person. I bet even when she was mad at Noah she probably never said a mean thing to him or antagonized him. I frowned and let out a sigh, “She was perfect for Noah—“ It wasn’t like I was pitying myself, just acknowledging the truth. 

Dane took a moment to respond probably trying to figure out a safe response, “She was—She was the light to his darkness. Before they met Noah was a dangerous man but even a hardened Rogue couldn’t help but love her—that’s just the power she had.” I nodded my head and looked over to him to see a small smile on his lips as if remembering her. I watched the smile slowing fade though into a painful grimace, “When she came back—that light was gone. Noah tried to save her. For weeks he had her locked up in hopes that he could help her back to this side but she didn’t have the strength it required. Noah blamed himself. He thought it was something he had earned for all the terrible things he had done before Claire. No matter how deep his love for her was there was no way to bring her back. He did what none of us could do and set her free from the darkness—before it truly ruined her.” 

“That’s your nice way of saying he killed her…” I comment solemnly. 

“That was almost three years ago. At first I was afraid he was going to turn Rogue again. He had these horrible nightmares for a while but after months he slowly began to come out of that—but the light that had been in his eyes was gone—he was basically a hollow man. I think he would have gone Rogue again if it hadn’t been for the pack and his loyalty to us.” It was painful to hear about what Noah had probably endured during the time after Claire’s death. 

Dane shifted in his spot next to me, “When we ran into you that was the first time I saw real emotion in him since Claire—it was even more of a surprise when he told me you were his mate—He was obviously upset and confused but I thought it’s a second chance. A way for him to become the man he used to be. The man we all came to love.” I turned to Dane and looked at the sad expression on his face and it broke my heart. Clearly Noah was loved by his pack. 

My heart felt the crushing weight of knowing that my mate had killed the woman he loved. That he had tried to save her and had watched her become what he had once been. That his pack was mourning not only the loose of their Luna but also their Alpha. My wolf whimpered inside of me at the feelings rushing through me and I felt her urging me to go to Noah and hold him. To apologize for the things I had said but I stayed sitting knowing that he would not welcome anything like that from me. I let out a small heavy sigh, “And then the moon goddess went and made us mates? what a joke—“ 

Dane nudged me with his shoulder, “Maybe because you’re exactly what he needs now—you have a fire in you Scarlett. Sure it’s not that warm light the Claire had but that’s not what Noah needs now, or what this pack needs. We need that all consuming fire inside of you—to burn away all the pain and sorrow left behind. Your courage and strength—that’s what we need.” 

I shake my head, “Trust me I’m not a strong as you think I am…” 

“I have seen first hand what rejection of a mate looks like Scarlett. Most wolves turn into hollow shells and die out. Yet, you were rejected and here you are—alive and well. Perhaps you aren’t giving yourself enough credit.” He nudges me again and I smile at his trying to cheer me up. I turned my head towards him, “Noah is lucky to have you by his side—“ 

Dane lets out a laugh, “You remind him of that next time he throws one of his fits and threatens to me in the dungeon for the rest of time.” 

“Maybe he wouldn't threaten you if you told him funnier jokes?” I suggest. To which he makes a face like I’ve wounded him, “I’ll have you know my jokes are hilarious…” He covers his heart with his hands. I let out a laugh and he smiles at me loosing the wounded expression. 

I turn away from him, “Thanks for bringing me here—I can see why Claire loved it so much.” In my heart I felt like she was there with me and she would want me to help Noah—because the truth was he was lost and confused right now. I saw the look in his eyes earlier—he doesn’t want me to get close to him because he’s afraid—of what exactly? I couldn’t be sure but after everything I had learned I felt like I had to at least try—if not for anyone other than Claire.  

I let out a determined sigh and pushed myself up off the bench, “I think I know what I need to do now.” Dane got up and stood next to me with an amused expression, “Oh yeah? And what is that?” 

“I can’t tell you or else that would ruin all the fun.” I say playfully. He shakes his head and laughs slightly, “I see I’ve unleashed some kind of monster—should I be concerned?” He asks me. I start walking away from him toward the exit, “The only thing you should be concerned about is getting thrown into the dungeon for your terrible jokes.” I tease. He catches up to me quickly and playfully pushes me to the side as he passes by. Dane makes me feel like he’s the brother I never had but always wanted. The fact that I know who is mate is and am hiding that from him makes me feel guilty but I promised Jane I would keep her secret. Perhaps there is a way I can get them to meet without spilling the secret or making it look like I forced it. 

“What are you thinking so hard about?” Dane’s voice breaks through my thoughts. I smile at him mischievously, “Oh nothing…” He gives me a look, “Well when you say it like that I am almost sure you’re plotting something.” I walk out the door he is holding open for me, “Something you need to understand about women—we are always plotting something.” I pat his shoulder lightly. As I walked away I felt a fire in my heart that had been set alight with a new determination. I was going to help Noah, Dane, Jane—all of them—I was going to bring this pack back from the dead and maybe along the way I would find my old self as well.

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