Child Soldiers'/ Infection On Mother Base

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Snake and Wolf are on the helicopter. Wolf is sitting under the run rack looking at some photos.

Mother Base, Seychelles Water
Aerial Command Center

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major, about Eli and Alex... I'd heard that two of the 'Lee Enfants Terribles' projects went missing in Africa. The ages would be about right. Now I'm not saying I think it's Eli and Alex... but I want to run a genetic test all the same. Don't worry, I'll have it done without them noticing. The tests may take some time, but I'll tell you as soon as we have the results."

Snake pulls out his iDroid and he starts a mission up.


Snake, Wolf and DD are on the helicopter are night time. Wolf is sitting in the right seats petting DD on the head.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"Your Mission objectives are to extract the child soldiers' commander, and their captive - the general's No. 2"

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"The child soldier platoon decided to break away from the Mbele militans."

Enemy Combatants
Child Soldiers

Miller:*Com*"They took the No. 2 captive and have occupied an abandoned village."

Snake stands up and opens the right door and sits down. Wolf looks outside from her seat.

Guest Starring
Militants' No.2
Leader of the Child Soldiers

Miller:*Com*"Start by checking that location on your map. Boss, Major.... the child soldiers will treat you as an enemy, but they're just kids. See that they don't get hurt."

Extract the XO and the Child Soldiers' Leader

The helicopter gets to the LZ and Snake, Wolf and DD jump out.

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

The helicopter flies off. The three run to the objective.

After a while of running they make it to the village. DD and Wolf spot a few children and Snake pulls out his binoculars and sees someone tied up.

Miller:*Com*"Is that him. Take a good look at their faces so we can ID the targets."

Snake then looks around with his binoculars and spots a child wearing a red beret 

Miller:*Com*"There he is - the commander. Extract him."

Snake pulls out his Tranq sniper and shoots the commander and a kid next to him, knocking them both out.

Snake and Wolf then over to the child soldier and picks him up and Snake pulls out his iDroid. Wolf then smells more children coming towards the village.

Miller:*Com*"Another group of child soldiers? No.... Must be a squad they had out on patrol. Security will be tighter now. Watch yourselves."

Snake calls in the helicopter and they start to make their way to it.

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major, another child soldier has entered the village. Must have been out on patrol. Looks like they had more than one patrol out. Security will be tighter now. Watch yourselves." 

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