Outside the WICKED building the five kids took a moment to rest next to circular benches with trees in the middle.

"Well, they're definitely pissed," Gally said.

"How far are the tunnels?" Thomas asked, wanting to get out of the city as soon as possible.

"Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here. We can make it."

"Newt, Lacey, how are feeling?" Minho asked hearing Newt and Lacey cough repetitively.

"Terrible," Newt admitted. "It's good to see you, though." He placed a hand on Minho's shoulder, and Minho placed his hand on Newt's.

Lacey brought her knees up to her chest as she coughed. "I've been better."

Minho slipped over to the other two. "Hey. How long have they been like this?"

"They'll be okay," Thomas replied. "We just gotta get to Brenda. She's got the serum."

Lacey looked down at herself and at Newt. They were both pale and black veins were everywhere. It was only a matter of time before they turned.

"Come on, let's go," Thomas said, walking over to Newt and Lacey. "Hey, Newt. Hey, Lacey. Come on, bud. Come on, Lacey. We gotta get you two up. Let's go." He lifted Newt and Lacey up and they were basically ragdolls. "You two okay?"

"Yeah," Newt and Lacey replied.

Minho and Gally stayed where they were. "Why are you helping us, Gally? I put a spear through your chest."

"Yeah. Nobody's perfect, man."


Teresa tested Thomas' blood. She looked under a microscope at the sample and her eyes widened.


An explosion caught everyone's attention. The front gate had been blown up.

"We're supposed to take down WICKED, not the whole damn city," Gally said.

"Gally, come on," Thomas told him, supporting Newt and Lacey with Minho's help. They walked away.


"This is a mandatory evacuation. The last transport leaves in 38 minutes. I repeat, this is a mandatory evacuation."

Ava Paige walked into a lab, seeing the brunette girl. "Teresa, what are you still doing here? We have to leave."

Teresa shook her head. "No, I can't leave. Not without Thomas."

"It's too late for that. He's gone."

"No. You don't understand. I need more." She held up the vial of his blood. "Come. Look."

Ava looked through the microscope as she said, "It's not just slowing the virus down. It's destroying it."

She looked up at Teresa as the girl continued. "We need to find Thomas."


The escapees made their way through the city. "Tunnels are right up ahead." Gally informed, hearing guards. "Shit!" Newt and Lacey were standing above them and Gally hissed, "Hey! Stay low! Stay low!" They ducked behind a tall pillar.

Thomas peeked out to see police cars and crawled back. "Shit!"

"Get ready!" a guard cried.

"Damn it!" Gally muttered.

There was an explosion and blazing fires and gunfire broke out. "Get down, get down!" Thomas said, pushing Newt and Lacey down. "Stay down! Stay down!"

"We gotta go. We gotta go," Gally told them.

Thomas and Minho picked up Newt and Lacey as Thomas said, "Come on. Let's move, let's move."

They ran past the gunfire, hoping they wouldn't get hit.

In the walkie, Thomas said, "Get them in, get them in. Brenda, are you there?"

"Thomas, I'm here," Brenda answered.

"We're not gonna make it."

"Wait, what are you talking about?

"Just take the others. Get everybody out while you still can."



"I'm not leaving you. Okay? So forget it."

"Even though you should?"

Brenda frowned, hearing gunfire. They were close. "Thomas, don't worry. I'm coming to you."

"What are you talking about?"

Brenda laughed. "Our ride's here! Just look for us near the tunnels."

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