Chapter 13

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Danielle's POV

I was sleeping an finally woke up, baby was out of bed, well my babies were out of bed. I turned an saw Jaime giggling an then scooped me up.
"No Jaime to early!" I said and he started running out the door.
Ugh no Jaime! There was a pool in the middle of the area of the vans warped tour ventue to mess around in. I hate water in the mornings and Jaime knows that. He ran towards it and I didn't bother to look forward but wine, "JAIME ALBERTO PRECIADO! PUT ME DOWN!" and started giggling. OMG! "PUT ME DOWN!!!" I said and Jaime said a soft okay, and splash!

It was in the afternoon. Guess I woke up late oops.

I was in the pool and I saw Jaime take off running. I inhailed and looked down, "this was my favorite T-shirt punk!!" I said and a lot of fans blocked his way and held him down for me. I guess this was planned out because Vic came running with a bucket of ice cold water with ice. He handed me it and I slid Jaime's shoe off while fans still had him pinned down and I foot his smelly foot in the bucket. "Oowww!!!ahhhhhh its cold!!!!!!" Jaime yelled and then was poured on with that bucket of water.

I took off running and Vic led me on his back and we ran. We had some play time because pierce the veil was live in like 4 more hours. Me and Vic stood by the bus and Jaime walked out with our baby laughing, "MY BABY!!!" He yelled and me and Vic ran after him.

5 hour later

Me and the boys played a little of games and hung out before they went live and hour ago. Ugh!! I've been feeling so sick! I've puked a lot but I haven't told Vic anything. Next week was my appointment. I stood there rocking Leyah in my arms, "happy birthday my beautiful baby!!" I said and I saw her cheeks rise up!! Her smile lightens my day. I sat there setting everything up for her birthday when I heard a woo hoo in the living room. I turned to look and saw the sweaty boys. Eew. Vic and the other boys and tryed to hug me but I pulled away gagging. Yuck!!

We settled everything for Leyah and invited many band members we were touring. Me and Vic walked over to Falling in Reverse's bus an Ronnie opened it an said, "hello Falling in reverse's resid- hello beautiful! Don't pop your cherry!!" He said.

"Umm" was all I could get out and Vic squeezed my hand. "Thats not what we are here for, party tonight at my place, 7pm coming?" Vic spoke up an Ronnie nodded and we said our goodbyes.
"Look forget about him, us Ronnie what do you expect, but watch out, if he trys to be all nice to you, don't take any chances. He just trying to be in your pants." Vic told me and I felt scared but I'm with Vic. I'm safe. For now.

At the party

We sang happy birthday to Leyah all together and she had a few presents she rejected to open. She got tired so I took her to kellin's bus. He's also on tour ;) She fell asleep in his arms and I talked to him for a while then left.

1 hour passes

I was getting tired, and I havent had a drink of achohol. I don't drink or smoke anything because I haven't felt very good lately and I have a child. I was walking out forwards the door of the bus and Vic grabbed my wrist.
"Hey baby!" He said and I smelt the beer off of him.
"Your drunk, no surprise!" I said sarcastically as a joke. I smiled.

"Fuck you!!" He said looking at me angry. What the fuck is his problem?? My smile dropped and I looked at him again. "Your drunk!!!" I said again and he gave me this look and Tony butted it and told him to back off. I shook my head and walked, running out of the bus crying. Wow I'm such a cry baby and a mistake. I was walking behind the bus when I was pulled to the wall.
"dude what the fu-" I said but Ronnie from fucking Falling in Reverse smashed his lips on mine. I pulled away,

"What the- son of a bitch!!!" I screamed at him an then he slapped me. I dropped down to the ground with a bloody nose. I started crying and tried to yell someone's help but no one came.
"Anyone!! Help!!" I yelled but Ronnie put his hands on my face to shut me up. He started to rip my clothes off an I screamed worse.

When me and Vic did it, it didn't hurt because he was too gentle because he knew it hurt for me. Ronnie pulled down my bottoms to leave me naked.
"Please! Let me go please!!" I begged but he pulled his friend out of his pants and ignored me. He shoved it in me making me burst in tears and cry even louder. Ronnie just stared at me with an evil smirk. I had tears all over my cheeks. He was getting rougher and rougher leaving me number and number. I started feeling numb and just layed there. Ronnie got up an kicked me multiple times and laughed and left before saying, "If you tell anyone!! I mean anyone!!! I will kill you!"

Those words scared me to death and I knew I couldn't tell so I nodded with a lot of pain. He walked away and I put my clothes on while wincing in pain every second because my private area hurt so bad. Fuck Vic!!! Fuck Ronnie!!! I hate them two!! I limped in the bus trying to not make it so noticeable and tryed my hardest to walk normal but collapsed on the floor screaming in pain.

"Oowww!!! Please!!! Why me!!!" I screamed and cried at the same time making me studder.
"Danni?!!! Whats wrong!??" Said Mike.
I shook my head and limped to my bed not saying a word but cry.

Mikes POV

"Vic what the fuck?? What did you do?!" I asked him shoving him into the wall.
"What?! You think I did that to her!! No! Fuck off mike!" He said.
I believed him and my night turned out awful.

I went to the bathroom and saw blood on the floor. Hmm. I also saw pregnancy tests all saying positive. The fuck??!!!! I also saw blood on some underwear and shorts. I didn't really mind because I thought it was her monthly until I turned around again and saw her bottom clothes again, somethings not right, why would she bleeding like that? Oh god I turned to the test and freaked the fuck out!. OMFG!! WHO THE FUCK!!! I walked out of the bathroom almost running and ran to Danni who was in the back lounge staring out of the window.

"Danielle tell me what happen now. Please!" I begged.
"No he will kill me. I have Leyah! I cant tell!!" She said in a shakily voice.
"Danni!! Your pregnant! Who's?! See there's the problem! And who will kill you?" I asked as she looked up like a light bulb hit her head.

"I will get an abortion and its nothing." She said looking at her stomach.
"Wait! We are going to find out who's the dad first!" I said and she looked at me like she saw a ghost.

"P-please d-dont m-mike!!" She said.
"I have to, your my baby sister and this "guy", were talking about it later. We need to see if you had miscarried!!" I said and she ran into my arms crying so hard which made me cry a little. I gotta tell the boys in a way where they won't have a heart attack.

(A/n weird ending!! Vote!!)

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