Chapter 27

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Y/n's perspective:

When I wake up in the morning my body aches but Phantom is surprisingly still asleep next to me. I smile at him and carefully lean up and kiss his chin. He smiles with his eyes still closed. I place a hand on his chest and kiss his cheek. Phantom opens his eyes and whispers "hey baby".

I smile at him "hey handsome". He smiles and kisses me softly. I kiss back and put my hand on his cheek softly. I pull away after a second and whisper "what are we doing today?"

He smiles at me "just snuggling for a while. I have a meeting tonight but until then I'm all yours". I blush and kiss him again.

"I can't wait."

Phantom kisses me roughly and turns us so he is over me. We have a deep make-out session with his tongue exploring my mouth roughly. I let out soft moans which made him smirk. He pulls away to let me breathe and whispers in my ear "want to go another round?"

He starts kissing my neck after. I smile and whisper back "no I'm incredibly sore." I feel his skin wherever he's touching me heat up for a second before returning back to normal.

He looks back up at me "would you like to take a bath with me to help with your soreness?" I nod and smile at him lovingly. He kisses my cheek and leaves to go get it ready.

I stand up and while I'm very sore I am able to go over to Phantom in the bathroom. When he sees me he picks me up and sets me on the counter as he finishes getting everything ready. He pulls out some white robes for us to wear after. Phantom snaps his fingers and the bath fills with hot water and red rose petals. I smile "so amazing". He chuckles and picks me up and gets in the tub with me.

Once we are in the bath he sits me down next to him and starts rubbing my lower stomach. It does help and everything in my body feels better. I look up at him lovingly and see that he's just looking in my general direction emotionless. Getting concerned I ask "hey what's wrong?"

He smiles and looks back at me "oh nothing just thinking about my meeting today my princess". I smile and nod. He pulls me to his chest and I relax into him.

-Time skip-

Phantoms meeting is underway and once I know that he is occupied I grab a flashlight and head to the mysterious hallway. I make sure that no one is watching me walk over to the hallway. Once I reach it I turn on my flashlight and start looking around. It looks like other hallways in the castle. Just dirtier.

As I keep going I see a female figure in the hall a few feet away from me. She looks older than me and has purple stripes under her eyes as Mare does along with this she is in rag-looking clothes.

I keep my distance and speak out to her. "Who are you?"

She just smiles "I knew you couldn't resist coming back here". All of a sudden she runs at me. I don't have much time to react but as soon as she gets close to me I hit her in the head with my flashlight. The flashlight breaks and she falls to the ground.

I run out of the hallway and used the hidden passageway that Phantom showed me yesterday. Once I get out of the passage I head into our room and see Phantom sitting at our table glaring over at me. I sigh and set my flashlight on the table. "Hey, love".

He lifts his eyebrow "where were you?"

I look away from him "I was exploring. I thought you were at your meeting."

He sighs "one of them was running late so I thought I'd come back and see you while I wait but as soon as I came in you were missing." He looks at the flashlight "you went to the dark hallway didn't you?"

I look away and nod. Phantom groans "I have to go, we will discuss this later." He gets up and leaves the room leaving me confused and concerned.

Phantoms perspective:

My meeting was about designing a ring and a crown for my doll. After everyone leaves my office I sit there thinking about how to discuss this dark hallway with her. The hallway is the only thing that Mare still has control over in this castle. He seems to be using it to take my doll away from me.

I sigh and get up and head back to my room. When I get in I see my doll is in one of my shirts with only her bra and underwear. She's probably trying to seduce me to stop this talk.

I sit down and put my legs up on another chair. I beckon her over and she sits on my lap. I take a deep breath before I begin my spiel. 

Phantom's Girlfriend (Natewantstobattle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now