part sixty-two

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the one with a plan.

part sixty-two

Haechan is panicking.

He isn't in love. He doesn't even know what love is, and he doesn't want to. This is just... hormones, or whatever the fuck. Deep breaths. He needs to calm down. One... two...


It's her.

The expression on Juno's face is hard to read as she slowly walks to a stop a few meters from where he's standing. "Donghyuck," she repeats when he doesn't say anything, "stop avoiding me. Please."

Haechan lifts his eyes to Juno's. He says nothing. Why? Because he's a f*cking screw-up, that's why.

"I don't know what it is about that night that freaked you out so much," Juno continues, shoulders slumped, "but if it's what is making you act this way, pretend it never happened. I'm not expecting anything of you. I don't expect you to confess to me or date me or whatever just because of that, but this..." She gestures helplessly at him. "I want my partner in crime back, feelings aside."

Haechan runs a tongue over his lips. "Sherry-"

"No, I need you to listen to me while I actually have you here." Juno takes a tiny step forward. "I care about you, Haechan. A lot." He flinches. She never uses that name, the one everybody else uses. "I don't know how it happened, but it did. And you said you cared about me, too, but you sure as hell aren't acting like it."

How does he tell her it's not because he doesn't care, but because he cares too much?

"We can rewind time to before that. Erase it from memory. Whatever you want. But I need you with me, especially now." Juno takes a deep breath. "So just forget what happened."

"But..." Haechan finally finds his voice. "I don't want to forget it."

Juno's brow creases. "What?"

He pauses, not sure how to articulate his thoughts. Maybe it's time he just told her the truth. Juno has always listened to his issues, listened to him bluster about the things in his brain that he's always refused to let anybody else see. So why shouldn't she hear this, too? Sure, this time it's actually about her, but if anyone can give him good advice, it's also her.

And whatever commitment issues or love-phobia thing he has doesn't matter. Haechan's fucked up, but not fucked up so much to the point that he can't pick up his pieces and lay his heart bare to her, tell her how much he feels for her. Because it's the least she deserves.

It's just taken him too long to realize it. He prays he isn't too late.

"Juno." Haechan takes one step closer to her. Thankfully, she doesn't move away. "Juno, I-"

A sudden screech from behind them, inside the banquet hall, makes him stop. "It's gone!" they hear somebody shout hysterically. "My flair. It's gone!"

Immediate pandemonium breaks out among the students.

"What?" Juno's brows furrow in confusion. On a whim, she thrusts her hands out in the vicinity of a nearby table. It stays put. All the blood drains from her face. "What happened? My telekinesis isn't working."

Haechan fixes his eyes on her. "Run," he says, with that smooth quality in his voice that's present whenever he's using his persuasion, but Juno doesn't move. "Wait, mine isn't working either."

They exchange a glance before dashing into the banquet hall.

The second Livi catches sight of the two, she rushes over and clutches Juno's arm like it's a lifeline, the rest of the boys trailing behind her. "I can't make my crystals anymore," she says, voice breaking. "Nobody can do anything anymore."

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