Chapter 27: Rooms and Relics

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Chapter 27: Rooms and Relics

Riddle stood with purpose, his hands laced behind his straight back as he looked at Headmaster Dippet in an almost hypnotic manner.

"I'm sorry, Headmaster, I didn't mean to cast the Avada Kedavra curse," he said solemnly, speaking in a voice as smooth as silk, as slick as silver.

His face was completely blank and expressionless, despite the definite innocence that he was pleading, though there was something sinister hidden behind that honeyed voice and the strong façade. It was a strange kind of murderous delight that was seeping out from within.

With a cluck of his tongue, the headmaster placed a rough old hand on Tom's shoulder and patted him gently.

"A mistake that anyone could make, my boy. Don't worry, you shall not be punished, it was not your fault." Said the Headmaster in a woeful voice.

"I'm glad you see it my way, Headmaster." Tom replied with a grateful nod of his head and looked over towards the limp body lying on the stone cold floor. "Miss Markorp was a bright witch, indeed. Such a pity."

And without another word, he turned on his heel and strode off in a swish of his black robes, his face turning into a dark grin.

Estela woke with a start, her body covered in cold sweat as she looked around wildly. She sighed heavily and laid back down with a thud as she closed her eyes to calm herself down. It was just a dream.

She was honestly dreading seeing Tom after she interrupted his conversation with Slughorn where he was millimetres away from receiving an essential piece of information about his beloved Horcruxes.

It was imperative that she stopped that conversation, though, she assured herself. If Tom had managed to get the information he needed about Horcruxes he would have undoubtedly gone on to create more.

There was another positive side to this too: why was Tom asking Slughorn about Horcruxes in the first place? Had he not successfully created his first Horcrux with the murder of Myrtle? If so, why was he asking more questions? What was he unsure of?

There was a tiny ray of hope in Estela's mind that made her think Tom may have failed to create his first Horcrux. It was definitely possible that something went wrong, even for Tom. She remembered looking at the book that contained the information about Horcruxes, Secrets of the Darkest Art, and remembered how vague the information actually was. It was perfectly possible that Tom hadn't succeeded, however rare that may be for him. There was only one way she could find out.

She knew, or rather suspected, that there was a tiny hint of emotion, whatever emotion that may be, that Tom felt towards Estela. Not actual positive feelings, no, that was a step too far for Tom Riddle, but she could sense that there was something there.

He had never hurt her willingly. Why? Riddle had always been prepared to hurt anyone who annoyed him or got in his way, and really, Estela was probably both of those. Yet, despite this, he had never done anything to harm her. In fact, it was as though he was protecting her in some strange way. Estela wasn't at all sure why he would want to protect her, but he had a strange possessiveness towards her, and she could use that to her advantage.

If he had created his Horcrux, his soul would be terribly damaged, and that tiny little connection between him and Estela would definitely be long gone by now. But if he had failed in making his Horcrux, then that emotion would still be there. She just didn't know how she would test this. How on earth was she meant to figure out if a part of Tom's soul had been ripped out?


"I just don't understand how one teacher can be so pompous." Said Cayra as her and Estela walked down the corridor. She was referring to Slughorn who had actively embarrassed her in front if the entire class by openly criticising her Potions essay.

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