It's okay -part 2-

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Into an hour after Toman took off to the war, safe to say Akihiko was restless. He didn't know why he felt like this but he knew that something was wrong. Something in him was nagging at him that something bad or worse was going to happen. He just didn't know what it is.

His grip on Takemichi's hand tightened slightly, trying to get as much as comfort he could get. Akihiko desperately hope it was not going to endanger Takemichi.

He knew that he was not the only one who felt something wrong when he saw his children were also getting restless. They were not stopping from checking on him from time to time as if he would disappear in the thin air any moment.

Looking at peacefully sleeping Takemichi, Akihiko let out a tired sigh. He didn't know how much he had sighed today. Gently kissing Takemichi's forehead, Akihiko trudged towards the door. He had a bunch of annoying teenagers to check on.

"Take, Takeo, Tadeo... take care of Micchin. I will be back later. Come on Stanley" the dogs howled in confirmation after getting their head pat while stanley climbed Akihiko's leg, wrapping himself under Akihiko's shirt like always.

"Let's hope nothing is wrong"


He shouldn't jinx himself. Could he get an F? He needed to be paid for dealing with this madness.

The moment he arrived where the brawl was held, a curse already out of his mouth. These are kids, aren't they? So, why the frick they got gun? Hello? He used to be in gang too but in all those time, gun was never an option. The atmosphere was drowning in the thick silence since the first bullet was fired.

"Again and again.." Akihiko heard the glasses boy talked from where he sat, the boy who pulled the trigger "My plans were always ruined by Hanagaki"

'don't say our family name with your dirty mouth asshole' Akihiko snarled in his mind.

"When I am unable to use Mikey, I have no choice but to use Izana instead" Akihiko noticed the hatred in his growl. "But now you're in my goddamn way, Kakucho.."

When Kakucho ran towards Kisaki to attack him and Kisaki aimed to shoot to him, ready to pull the trigger again. Izana pushed Kakucho aside, his body moving on his own. However, the bullet didn't leave a single scratch on any of them when a pain scream came from Kisaki.

Kisaki's hand was bending in awkward position as if it was broken. The gun Kisaki was holding fell to ground with a loud thud. Everyone's eyes followed the fallen gun with a... stone? They were wondering what just happened when they heard a new voice.

"Haa I'm not wrong. Other people except Micchin are troublesome and incredibly annoying"

Toman's eyes widen when they heard the voice. They slowly turned towards yawning Akihiko who was playing with a stone.

'is he the one who throws the stone?' Everyone thought in surprised.

When Akihiko stood up, everyone who was near him immediately backed away a few step. The air was suddenly felt so thick and heavy, making it hard for them to breathe. Toman recognized the intense air but still couldn't escape from feeling it. No one felt his presence before he talked, no one noticed him.

"Aki-san.." Kakucho looked at Akihiko wide-eyed. "...What are you doing here?" 

Glancing at Kakucho from the corner of his eyes, Akihiko nodded at him. "long time no see, Kakuchin" Akihiko said. He took off his outer shirt and shoved it into Izana's arms.

"Press the shirt to his wound or he would bleed out"

Izana looked at the shirt in shocked before turning to the stranger, scowling. "Who-"

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