The DNA of Clay

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A product of the family clay 

and fate,

or chance.

You're so much more


yet so much more is yet to come.

Environment has forged you. 

Contact with strangers, friends and family;

with those who have gone,

and of those who still remain.

All this experience, 


and memory,

has tempered you,

made you what you are.

No longer a child,

but with a only a hint of an adult's cynicism.

You laugh. 

You cry.

You love.

You are loved.

And you look at me now with a face full of fragments of the past,

but with a mind and heart that is all your own.



but not as much as we.




But remember to remember.

Fulfill that which fate has in store. 

Be you,

be true. 

We can ask no more,

for that alone will be enough to make us proud...


Dedicated to my children. Every day you make me proud.

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