The Dragon Family 01

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"Uncle?" Raon's round blue eyes turned from Raziel to Euclidean repeatedly.

So this is the uncle Raziel has been staying at? Cale never thought it's going to be in mt. Yellia but he was also relieved for some reason that he finally know his location.

And knowing the boy having connection with this ancient blonde, wouldn't that mean he can join forces with Raon to protect him in case this golden dragon attacks?

Since they're friends and all.

As Cale contemplated whether Raziel will side with them or not, Raon began his brave conquest to talk without a filter in the mouth.

"Hey, is your IQ low?" Eruhaben asked Raziel with an odd look.

Although my nephew is friendly, he isn't a boy without filter. He is too nice to speak like a small barbarian like this small child.

Then his eyes turned towards the direction of Choi Han, looking at the man behind him who possess red hair as well.

Oh, what's this? He hummed, suddenly releasing an aura.

Raziel looked at his uncle. His smiling uncle who seemed to he testing Cale. But soon, all that ails him in the cold winter of the mountain disappeared.

Raziel hummed as he remembered this passage through the book. He really used thermal magic...

Soon enough, Cale matched the aura himself. Raziel was a bit surprised when he felt it. It did make his chest thump a bit but it didn't scare him as he thought it would. It was simply an aura that cloaked Cale from a great aura threat from dragon fear or anything similarly.

As Eruhaben stared at him with pure interest, Raon suddenly flew back to Cale and covered his eyes.

"Hey, Goldie!" The young dragon called out

"Goldie?" Eruhaben was surprised by this unexpected call.

Raziel could only give him a gentle smile.

"Because uncle is a golden dragon." He added.

Eruhaben sighed.

"Goldie, you can't stare at our human like that! Look at how coward he is!" Raon exclaimed making Raziel chuckle in response. The old Cale hyung is not a coward tho. He can provoke anyone, anywhere.

"Did you just say 'our' human? Are you really an idiot?" Eruhaben asked, frowning at this little creature that really have no breaks and filter in his mouth.

Raziel looked at how nervous Cale had become. It looks like he's nervous that Raon and Eruhaben will start to fight. When Cale's eyes turned to him, the younger redhead could only give him a smile.

"I do not have a low IQ, I just have high sociability. I’m not like you, you socially awkward Golden Dragon who doesn’t even know how to shake hands.”

At that moment, Raziel really couldn't help it and laughed. The two dragons looked at him while he held his stomach. "Dad-uncle... haha! Socially--hahahaha--- pfft! awkward! Hahahahaha!" His beautiful laughter echoed in the cave as he tried to stop himself.

Eruhaben pinched his nephew's cheek with a frown. "Which side are you on?"

"I'm sorry... but it's just so funny." Raziel responded finally able to hold his shit together before Eruhaben pinch his cheek harder.

"Razi, Razi, how do you like my name?!" Raon suddenly asked again. He was so happy that he wanted to brag it to Raziel all the time.

"It's a very good name. What does it mean?" He asked.

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