A Bandage

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Tallulah had made it back before Talon, which she thought was weird, she'd departed from the group before him. She brushed it away.

He came back to the tent, a letter in hand. She looked at him, along with everyone else.

"We have a meeting with my contact tomorrow  tonight," she forced herself to look intrigued, instead of throwing a glare. She had intended to go with Talon tonight to meet Iris. Thankfully she hadn't set those plans in stone. Her arm was getting progressively worse though and if she didn't get it looked at soon, she would fear losing those scales to more scarred flesh.

"I suppose we'll have to leave under the guise of night for more than one reason?" Reylan asked.

"Aye, these men here are not loyal to the crown, they are creating an uprising. There are apparently even more people in the capital that support this. More than I'd originally thought," Atlas replied.

"You knew there were those who were traitors, but didn't address it before we left?" Tallulah asked.

"Yes, but that was because I needed to know more before I came back for their punishment," he said. "They don't have as much leeway to do as they please in Aria, as they do out here, practically undisturbed," Tallulah understood what he was saying and glanced around, heads nodded in agreement as well.

"There are some still loyal to us in this camp," Tallulah said quietly.

"Yes, but they must hide all the time because of this treachery," Reylan hissed. Tallulah thought of Talon. Could Iris be a part of this group? She brushed the thought away, thinking it silly.

She was slow to fall asleep and the morning came too quickly, sweating from the hot night.

She was up before anyone, allowing her a bit of time to wrap her shoulder. She got as far as putting her boots on before anyone stirred. Reylan was the second to wake. She had to glance away at his bare chest. She wished she could at least take her wraps off so she too wouldn't sweat during the night.

"You act such a prude, Talon, we are all men here," he remarked at her gesture.

She had no response other than a shrug. How wrong he was and what a rude awakening it would be once he knew the truth. It would be something to laugh at in time. That she was certain of.

The comment caused the others to stir. Much like the day before they trained with the soldiers here. Their efforts seemed lack luster to Tallulah. It was like they didn't really care about learning or fighting in general.

She wasn't the only one annoyed with the lackadaisical attitude. Each of her companions seemed ready to chuck their weapon at something...or someone.

After a frustrating session they parted ways. Once more she went to a secluded pool to bathe away the grime in peace.

Her shoulder, after closely examining it, she concluded that she'd lose some scales. None of her methods were working. Hopefully this Iris person would be helpful.

She spent her downtime alone in the tent stretching and laying in her cot with her own thoughts. It was weird not having any responsibilities. She was so used to going all over and doing everything during the day that the mere act of doing nothing left her anxious.

Atlas found her drawing in the sand whilst sitting next to her cot.

"You've been oddly quiet this trip. You're usually yaking my head off about random things," she let out a laugh. She usually did, but this trip has been nothing but anxiety inducing. Each day she was closer to revealing who she was to atlas and the thoughts that would follow had her head to numb to think about anything else. Coupling that with her wound that refused to heal she wasn't sure where to go from here.

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