[chapter thirty three] everything's coated crimson red

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Bad Romance by Lady Gaga blasted through the speakers as Aires sped down the empty back roads of Beacon Hills. The harsh breeze left her long red curls flying around her as she sang the song at the tops of her lungs.


Shortly after the song ended, she pulled up to the school parking lot, puting the jeep in park and hopping out. She still hadn't given it back to the Stilinski boy and she didn't have any plans to. He knew she had it and he didn't really seem to be bothered by it.

Suddenly, a strong hand wrapped around the top of her arm, pulling her into the wooded part of the school. Aires raised her hand, ready to knock whoever it was off their ass before the sight of blonde hair came into her vision.

"Erica? What the fuck." She mumbled, narrowing her eyes at the girl.

"Oh my god, your hair! It's, red?"

"Yeah, thanks for noticing I guess. Wait, what the fuck is going on?" She asked, shoving Erica's hand off her arm with a strong force.

To the blonde's side stood Boyd who looked slightly scared as he glanced around. Aires couldn't decide if the state he was in amused her or worried her.

"We're leaving."


"Me and Boyd. We can't stay here any longer, not with the Argents up our asses. Isaac already left but he isn't coming with us."

A small chuckle fell from Aires lips. "Thank fuck for that, he is extremely annoying. I would've killed him for you just to save you the trouble."

A small frown formed on Erica's face. She knew the ugly details of what went down between the once close duo, she heard it when Derek tortured the boy after Aires outburst.

"You don't care?"

The Hale scoffed, rolling her eyes unamused. "Why should it? He's dead to me."

Tears began to prick at the blonde's eyes, the emptiness in Aires' voice was heartbreaking. "You know I still remember the day you and I first spoke, it was one of the happiest days of my life. I'd see you everyday in school and when you spoke to me I had never felt happier. All those people who claimed you were a bitch were wrong. Sure you had your moments and you have always been sassy as hell but, you were good, Aires. Your heart was pure. I wanted to be you so bad before I knew what your life was really like."

Aires continued to stare at the girl, her face void of emotion. Though when Erica had mentioned about her leaving she felt a strange pang in her chest, she wasn't sure what it was but she didn't like it. If she was starting to feel things then it wouldn't be long before the old her was back and she would do everything possible to stop that.

"I understand, I understand, Aires." The blonde continued in a whisper. "I understand why you did it, why you turnt off your humanity, why you let in the darkness."

The Hale sucked in a deep breath, those two words had affected her more then anyone else's attempts to get her to feel. Without another thought, she closed the gap between the two by wrapping her arms around the blonde, pushing her face into her hair.

"Thank you." She whispered in a hushed voice.

"Though nobody else might just know, I will always understand. No matter what you do, no matter what chaos you cause I will understand. Because deep down I know you're good."

Aires quickly pulled back, a small grin tugging at her lips. "You better not forget me Reyes." She warned in a playful tone.

"How could I ever Hale?"

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