Chapter Fifty Three

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"El, come on! We should've left like five minutes ago!" She heard Newt yell from downstairs.

"Coming!" She yelled back while lugging her suitcase down the stairs behind her.

"Did you pack the whole bedroom with you?" Newt's eyes widened as he saw the size of her suitcase while she placed it next to three others.

"I don't know how long this is going to take!" She threw her hands up in defense. "And some of those are Bunty's!"

"Sorry!" Bunty came down the hall while stuffing a roll in her mouth. "I wasn't sure how long we would be."

"That's what I said!" Eleanor laughed. Newt only rolled his eyes at the women and checked his watch for the millionth time.

"We're gonna miss the portkey if we don't leave now." He said while shrinking the suitcases and putting them in Eleanor's purse.

"I'm ready, I'm ready!" Eleanor said while quickly brushing her hair and throwing the brush into the purse. "Okay, now I'm ready."

Newt linked both women's arms and apparated them to Carcassonne.

"Is that a castle?" Bunty asked.

"You really don't get out much, do you?" Eleanor giggled while dragging her friend along. Newt was a few steps ahead of them and lead them down a cobble stone path towards a grassy patch. Under the tree Newt picked up a chipped coffee mug.

"Here she is," He chuckled as it began rattling. "We just made it, grab on quick."

They all held onto the small mug and were soon spinning in every direction before harshly landing on a mossy ground. Eleanor managed to land on her feet lightly and as she brushed off her pants, she heard Bunty groan.

"I think I'm gonna hurl!" Bunty heaved and Eleanor couldn't help but laugh remembering her first few times traveling by portkey.

"There there," Eleanor patted Bunty's back. "We're in the middle of a forest."

"We're in the Transdanubian Mountains." Newt informed her.

"The Transnabudi- wha?" Bunty furrowed her brows.

"Don't make me say it again. Come along, we've got to hike quite a ways to get to where we need to be." Newt said and both girls groaned. Eleanor hated hiking or anything that had to do with causing her to sweat.

"I can't wait for lunch," Bunty said.

"I can't wait to sit." Eleanor said.

"It's been ten minutes!" Newt said.

"My feet are going to fall off." Eleanor whined after two hours of constant walking uphill.

"Mine have already, all I can feel are stumps. My legs are going next. I think I left my lung somewhere in a bush back there." Bunty breathed.

"We're almost there." Newt said.

"That's what you said an hour ago!" Eleanor cried.

"I..." He trailed off.

"You have no idea where we are..." Eleanor stopped and leaned on a tree.

"No no... I have an idea..." He trailed.

"Newton, I swear to... Merlin when I... catch my breath... I'm gonna kill you!" Her eyes were angry.

"I promise we're close." He reassured her.

"Why couldn't the portkey drop us off closer?" She asked.

"Because these grounds are protected." He stated simply and before he could take another step, the three of them heard a rumbling snarl in the distance and growl that should have had them scampering away and hiding. Instead they looked at each other and began heading towards where the sounds were coming from. As they neared the top of mountain, Eleanor looked over a large rock that kept them hidden from what lurked below.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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