Chapter 65: Giovanni

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Athena's pov

Two days until Gio is officially supposed to be born. "I can't wait to get this baby out of me" Mia groans putting her feet on Adriano. "Mia you have 2 weeks left, Athena has two day's" Leo laughs at her.

"Here take your child he won't stop crying. I've fed him, changed him, rocked him nothing" Emma hands  Eremes to him. He starts to calm down once Leo holds him.

Already a daddy's boy and he's only a few weeks old. My stomach cramps again. Lucky gives me a weird look. "How long?" He asks to rub my feet. "Two hours" I sigh, holding my stomach up.

Eremes is now full on sleeping in Leo's arm. The pain comes back, making me wince in pain. "Bitch your fucking in Labor" Emma tells me Lucky rushes off of the couch.

He's probably getting the bag. Adriano helps me stand walking with me to the tunnels. "Oh my god this is exciting" Mia happily says, scanning her hand to open the door.

Right there my water breaks wetting the floor bringing a bigger pain to my stomach. "Lucky where the fuck are you" I yell out he comes down holding the bag.

Rory holds Luciano on her hip while walking with Santo holding Gabriele and Damiano. The cart comes. I sit on the back of it Adriano steps on the gas speeding through the tunnels. "Bianca is already there with Enzo. He has Vincent. I told her I was going to take him" Rory tells me when the cart comes to a stop.

Lucky holds my hand helping me inside. Once we're inside Enzo puts me in a wheelchair bringing me to Bianca in the room. The bed is low enough for me to slide on.

"Ok Athena let's check" Lucky helps me get into the hospital robe as Bianca preps the tools. "Your water isn't fully broken. You are in active labor but he's still there. For right now I need you to rest and in a few hours start walking around. I'll be back to check on the progress" Fucking great. The contractions come back stronger, making me wince.

"Mama" Rory places Luci on the edge of the bed. A small smile Comes to my face rubbing his head. "Mamá, is the baby coming?" I nod my head wiping the sweat away from it.

He smiles happily letting out a yawn resting his head on my legs. He'll sleep in the next two minutes without a doubt. I feel him tired as all hell right now. I try to sit up moving him closer to me but fail.

Lucky notices my struggle helping me lift the sleeping child placing him on my chest. His soft snores fill my ears up and his hair falls in his face. Maybe if I close my eyes for five minutes I'll be less cracky.

Lucky's pov

Athena passed out right after I put Luciano closer to her. She holds him tightly as they both sleep peacefully. Santo sleeps leaning on Aurora on the couch. "Good she's sleeping. She's going to need it. I'll be back in a few hours to check on her '' Bianca walks in checking her blood pressure.

Enzo takes Vincent from Mia who groans leaning on Adriano. "We're gonna be here a while, go home, I'll let you know when anything happens" I tell them Leo and Emma agree to come back tomorrow, and so do Adri and Mia.

Santo still stays sleeping, moving around trying to get comfortable. Rory leans on her arm not caring Santo is laying on her.

I watch as they all sleep for a good 6 hours managing the warehouse paperwork from online. "How long have I been sleeping for?" Santo groans rubbing his eyes sitting up looking around the room.

"A good six or seven hours. Take Rory and Luciano home. I'll tell you when to come back. We're going to be here a long time" He nods his head picking up Luciano holding Rorry up.

Athena stirs around opening her eyes a bit. "Amore mio" She looks at me trying to keep her eyes open "I'm still here baby. Are you in pain?" I rub her stomach and she nods her head no. "Just lay with me" She moves, allowing me to lay next to her.

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