Chapter 7

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"Patient's heartbeat reads 123,76. Pulse reads 68. Pupils are normal, no sign of concussion. Temperature is 35.8°, no sign of hypothermia. Patient's condition is now stable, write that down please."

"Yes ma'am"

I watched as a nurse scribble something in a clip board. The woman touched the patient, going round the patient and telling the nurse to write down whatever she observed. The nurses surrounded the patient so it was hard to see who they were talking about.

I decided to look around the place, because if this looks like another weird dream/vision I had the last time. Looking around to know where I was wouldn't hurt me. Immediately I turned to look around, my eyes bulged out at how super dope the place looked.

The place was big enough to host three wedding receptions. Shelves ranging from bones to organs were properly arranged on different shelves. Hospital beds occupied by patients were spread out on another corner of the laboratory. Desks filled with scattered books and laptops were kept beside the shelves. Some doctors were on the desks, rapidly typing on the laptops and some were going through the books with utmost concentration.

"Doctor! We've accomplished this!!" I heard the same female voice say from the crowd of doctors on the first patient I saw. Whatever she said got the attention of all the doctors in the lab. They all rushed to the patient and looked in amazement.

"Years of hard-work and you finally accomplished this. I'm proud of you."

"This is amazing!"

"Science revolutionary!"

"Rebranding and refining the study of genetics! I love this!"

I saw them all congratulating each other, shaking hands and patting each other's backs. I went to look at what they were happy about, and what I saw shocked me to the core.

A boy, about my age, plugged into different wires. He looked sickly and weak. His face white and his bones poking out everywhere. His dirty blonde hair lost all the color and it just looks like a white noodle. He was dressed in a white boxer brief as there was no space for clothes since they were all taken up by the wires and plugs. One plug taking the little blood he has left, the remaining plugs pumping him with some liquids I don't even know.

I tried yelling at the doctors but no one heard me. They were too busy wrapped up in their happiness and they couldn't care if the boy they were operating on dies there and then. The female doctor who called the attention of all the doctors in the laboratory raised her hands to shush the crowd down. They immediately stopped their cheers but the smiles never left their faces. The looked at the woman with adoration, envy and pride.

She stood in the middle of the crowd, obviously loving the attention they were giving her. Her white lab coat shone around her, making it seem like she was an angel. Her name tag glistened like she just bathed in oil and directed the sun rays at it.
"Dr Susan .G." her name tag read. She scanned the crowd and gestured everyone to where the young boy laid.

"This, everyone, is the proof that we can have a new age of multi talented human beings, They will work as efficient as robots and they don't need batteries or solar power. We're scientists, researchers of many aspects of science, we and our predecessors have helped mankind battle against diseases and pandemics. We study all day and night, we practice every method possible and impossible just to make sure humanity is safe and we can live life in a better and safer way. And yet, we are not given the credit we deserve. Instead of praises, they curse and criticize us.
This." She pointed to the young boy. "This is the peak of genetic evolution, we will finally be recognized as the best there is!
They all nodded on agreement, some cringed when the name robots were mentioned, some cursed while the rest stayed silent but nodded their heads at necessary times.

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