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I'm not sure what I expected to happen. The possibilities of what came after death weren't something I had really pondered till I arrived at L'Manberg.

Even then, I felt invincible. Three tally marks didn't mean anything to me. Until Dream, and Quackity, and BadBoyHalo.

And then suddenly they meant everything.

The last thing I saw was XD move his hand above me, before the world around me instantly went black.

I thought to myself, 'is this it?'. Nope, not even close.

It took a moment, but the the next second I knew I was really dead. If even possible, everything got even darker, as if I was in an empty black void.

It wasn't what I expected. I used to think death would be cold and lifeless. But it was neither.

It wasn't cold here. Or warm. There was no sense of temperature, or time for that matter. What an interesting concept. Every second seemed to meld together.

I could move freely, seemingly giving me the possibility to walk into the infinite depth of whatever lies ahead.

And it certainly wasn't lifeless. Although I couldn't see almost felt like I wasn't the only one he-

"Hey! Are you new here?" A voice asked from behind me. I spun around to see a familiar face lit up with a smile, and wearing a yellow sweater.

"Oh! It's you!" The man said.

"Ghostbur!" I responded, pulling him into a hug.

When I stepped back, the world around me was no longer completely void of detail. It was still near ypitch black, but I could feel ground beneath me and make out soft grey outlines of the place we were in.

It appeared to be some sort of...train station?

Huh, weird.

"I've missed you so much Y/N! I know it's only been a few minutes since I disappeared but..."

"What?" I asked. I wasn't sure I heard his last sentence right. "A few minutes?"

"Yea...I mean with Dream in the cell. It was pretty terrifying but that's alright! I'm not alone anymore!" Ghostbur said. He paused and looked forward in concentrated thought, placing one hand on his chin. "Well I guess I wasn't alone alone. I mean, before I arrived back here I rode a train right through here, and when I got off, I talked to this nice man with a trench coat and a strand of white hair. He seems nice. He got on and left though."

He thought it had only been a few minutes?

How does time work here?

"And then there's also some other people I don't talk to very much. They're kind of strange. I'm not sure if they like me. One of them has these giant ram horns like this," Ghostbur said, illustrating with his hands. "And the other guy is super tall and half the time is talking in a language I don't understand. But that doesn't matter, because now you're here!"

"Yea...well about that.." I began to say.

How was I supposed to tell him I was leaving in a few minutes? He looked so excited to see someone he knew. But I couldn't just leave without explaining.

"Ghostbur I have to tell you something. I'm not stay-" I began to explain.

"Hello? Who is this, Ghostbur?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned around and saw the man standing a good few feet above me. Half of his hair and skin matching the coloration of an enderman, the other half appearing normal with a vibrant red eye.

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