Chapter 6 - Hunting

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Icepaw heard a rustle in the treetops. He stood, listening carefully. A small cat growled at him. It looked remarkably like him, with the same white paw and ice blue eyes. But the collar - it was studded with dog teeth, and this cat's claws... Icepaw realized it was him.

He wanted to fight. But that was Scourge. Not Icepaw. But before he could stop himself, he leapt at this cat. It leapt backwards, and he fell into a nettle bush. Scrapes stung his pelt, and he fled back to the central oak. He tensed.

A little creature sniffed around in the underbrush. Icepaw attempted to jump on the vole, but landed on a stick. He yowled in pain as the stick got under his paw's cut. Graypaw rushed over with Bluestar.

"Landed on a sharp stone," he laughed nervously. "Silly me. It didn't break skin, though." This was untrue. His paw throbbed something fierce.

"Icepaw, Firepaw, I think that's enough," Bluestar said. "I've decided on your mentors."

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