Chapter 6~

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*5 Days Later*

My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I had no idea where I was. The moment I tried to sit up, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I winced and cried out in pain.

"Whoa, whoa take it easy, Jeordie!" A voice said. I looked over and saw it was John, with one of the nurses. I looked down and saw almost my whole torso, wrapped with gauze. I laid back down and groaned.

"What...What happened?"

"My father nearly killed you." A different voice said, making us all jump a little.

We looked over to see Brian standing there, slowly walking towards us. He had a sad look on his face, and I could see it in his brown eyes...He wasn't wearing contacts.

He came over to the side of my bed and said "I am so so sorry for what he did...I wanted to come apologize sooner, but you've been asleep for five days."

Five days??...Damn...

"He shouldn't have done that to you...And I still haven't let Olivia down easy, for tripping you..But sadly, she's Daddy's Princess, so he doesn't give two fucks."

I could tell he was genuinely sorry for what happened, by the sadness in his eyes, and the way his voice sounded. I nodded and said "Thank you."

He nodded and looked over at John and the nurse.

"Leave us." He said, simply.

They didn't need to be told twice, and hurried out of the room, along with the other nurses there. Once they were gone, he turned his attention back to me and I said "You saved me...Why?"

He said "Because you're the only person who doesn't treat me like I'm just some rich kid...When I talked to you yesterday, I felt this feeling...I didn't know what it was, but I knew it was a feeling I've never felt."

I swallowed and asked "But, But what about your dad?"

He sighed and said "He was not happy with me after your friends brought you here..Not at all. After all the guests left, we got into a massive fight, and I could see that he wanted to kill me."

My eyes went wide and I couldn't believe it...His own father was willing to kill his own son, just because he didn't want to marry someone he didn't want, and cause he saved me.

"I'm sorry...This is all my fault." I said, hearing my voice crack. "Everything's my fault." I felt a tear roll down my cheek, but it was wiped away by a cold hand. I looked up and saw Brian staring into my eyes.

"It's not your fault Jeordie...My father is the one to blame. He's treated you horribly your most of your life."

It felt comforting that his hand was on my cheek. And that he was the only one of them who truly cared about a human.

He stared at me for a minute, before saying "I wanna try something." I felt myself getting nervous and I said "O-Okay. Wh-What is it?"

"It's a trick a friend of mine taught me a few years ago..It'll help your body heal faster. A Vampire with take one of their fingernails, and cut a little down their tongue and lips, Then they'll cut a little down the tongue and lips of whomever is injured, and they'll exchange their blood."

My eyes went wide when he said that. "Y-You're gonna turn me?"

He chuckled and said "No, it won't turn you. Only a bite from the neck or the wrist, can turn you...Do you trust me?"

Even though I don't know him well, he's the only one of them I could trust. I nodded and said "Yes."

He nodded and said "Okay. Now be as still as you can be, it'll hurt just a little."

I nodded and he proceeded to bring his thumb to my lips, before using his fingernail, to make a quick painless cut on my top and bottom lip. I felt the blood seep out of my lips, before he said "Now open your mouth."

I obeyed and opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out. He made a quick cut down my tongue, and it did sting a little. I put my tongue back in my mouth, but didn't close it.

I watched as he did the same to himself, and leaned down to me. He gently took my face in my hands and asked "Are you ready?" I nodded and he leaned in closer, until his lips touched mine.

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