Wish you Were Here

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"Hi Beautiful" your favorite words.

"Hey" you smiled as you bounced to her.

Your arms wrapped around Luisa, she put her soft palm on your cheek. She was glittering with sweat in the sunset light. Her skin looked like glittering copper in the light that shined perfectly down the alley behind your house. Her smile was infectious, you felt it in your heart and stomach. Your bodies melded into each other, like two pieces of a puzzle waiting for their other half. She kissed you with chapped lips, indicating she had been hard at work. Her hand found yours behind her back, your fingers interlocking with hers. You nervously giggled as her has her finger made their way up to your scalp, playing with your hair. She was standing so close to you, which emphasized her height so much. You were practically looking directly up at her. Her neck craning so give you slow, individual kisses, as you both smiled big. Her breath was heavy and warm, and sweet like vanilla. You knew you didn't have that long with her because it was time for dinner soon. She pulled your hand towards her face, kissing each of your fingertips as she held your hand. Then, slowly, she dropped it. you frowned.

"I'm sorry baby" Luisa whispered

"It's not your fault" You kissed her cheek. "I just miss you"

She smiled a little "I miss you too"

You kissed her one more time. You turned, you we're about to head inside for dinner.

"Oh wait!" Luisa said "I uh-" She looked down. "I have something for you."

"Ooh!" You faced her yet again. Heart pounding wondering what she could possibly have for you.

"It's not much but," She pulled a letter out of the back of her waistband. It was in the same yellow envelope she has sent you a letter in after the very first night you two had kissed. She placed it your hand, the feeling of the paper was familiar and comforting. "I've been missing you so I uh, i wrote you something"

"Thank you Luisa" You kissed her cheek. She smiled. Her hand lingered by yours for a moment. You both knew you had to go. It was always the worst part.

"Have a good night beautiful" She kissed you one last time before dashing down the alley, the sun following her away, the alley darkening as the sun was setting. And similarly, your world darkening as Luisa left.

You turned the envelope over in your hand, it was heavy light yellow paper. You could tell it was expensive stationery. Your name was sprawled on the front in indigo ink. You wanted to open the letter now but you didn't have much time before dinner and you knew you would be grateful to have it to read tonight before bed when you missed Luisa the most. You let out a sigh.

The downside of waiting until after dinner to read the letter was that you could hardly sit still during dinner. It was the last Sunday night of the month so your entire extended family was in attendance, Your abuelo and abuela, your tias, tios, cousins, brothers, and their wives and kids. Twenty one people in total. It was absolute chaos. You couldn't help but wish Luisa was here, everyone else got to have their significant others in attendance. To be fair they were all married but you were certain they would be excited to meet Luisa. Not just because she was a Madrigal, but also because she was fun and funny and kind. You remembered before your brothers were married sometimes they brought a girl they were dating to family dinner. It would be so nice to have her.

Dinner was just as chaotic as you remembered them. Children screaming, roaring laughter, your tias gossiping. It was the type of chaos that comforted you, you grew up with these dinners, they felt familiar and comfortable, even though the size of them had grown greatly since you were small.

At the first available time you decided to turn in for the night. Your cousin, Nina, closest to you in age, gave you a concerned look as you said your goodnights. She knew this wasn't regular for you, normally you loved to spend the late hours of your nights with your extended family, but tonight you had a letter that was occupying far too much of your head to enjoy the evening with family. You gave a smile and nod to Nina, indicating you were okay. You considered telling her about the letter but you knew she wouldn't be able to keep that a secret. She was always bursting with gossip, like a cup with holes, she just couldn't keep it in. It was very fun, that is when it wasn't your secrets being spread. And frankly, the stakes were way too high to tell her right now, so, you ran up to your room alone instead.

You had hidden the letter inside your wardrobe at the bottom near an old pair of shoes, the color of the envelope blended into the wood quite well. You were on your knees, fumbling for the letter with shaky hands, you were just about to burst if you didn't get to it soon. Luckily you got your hands on it after a few seconds, you nearly ripped the letter itself frantically trying to open the envelope. You were desperate for Luisa's words. You held your breath as you started to read her words.

Hola Y/N
I'm sorry my handwriting is so messy, I'm not usually a letter writer.
I've been loosing sleep at night thinking of you. I think about that night you stayed over and how it felt to have you in my arms when i fell asleep, and it felt even better to wake up next to you. I wish that we could do that every night. I suppose we'll just have to wait a while for that.
Yknow, i'm not usually good with words but you mean so much to me, thank you for knowing me and letting me kiss you at that party. I honestly had no clue what I was thinking that night if i'm honest. That day i was really ballsy for kissing you the first day I met you. If i'm being completely honest though I had been seeing you around town for months and wanted to introduce myself. The way you walked is always so precious to me, like you're on a mission, it's really cute. And your hair blowing in the evening breeze and how you don't mind wearing clothes covered with flour. Everything about you seemed so effortless and amazing. I'm just so lucky to know you.
I feel like this letter doesn't make any sense
blah! i gotta go before this gets too weird.
I should also probably sleep because it's like two in the morning. I already know what you're gonna say about me staying up this late and i'm sorry. I blame you for the record.

wish you were here,

Luisa Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now