My Girl / Thirty

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Ever since the situation with the Cho Chang girl, Draco has been really quiet since. People have been also avoiding me. It's not like I murdered someone, I just gave them a little lesson so they can remember not to mess with me or with people I love.

That's all.

Blaise have been asking me what happened in the library every time he gets a chance to talk to me but I always turned him down and tell him to just shut up which he never listen. And at the same time, he was the only one I can actually talk to within the group.

And Cedric told us all about the obsessive crush Chang had and still has on him. He told us about every uncomfortable situation he had to face with her which made me and Marie can't help but feel extremely second-hand embarrassed about it.

I mean a girl is just in love but it doesn't mean she can literally watch him eat or do anything.

This is giving stalker vibes.

On the day of the task, I can't find either Marie, Ron or Hermione. I was starting to get quite worried about this task because Cedric can't focus on what he was doing since he hasn't seen Marie since last night and he kept panicking about her and rumbling questions after questions to me. 

And with the information I got that day from reading Cedric's messy mind; they have to find something they lost. Well more like somebody took it and they have to find them. And I got the clues together in just second. 

There are merpeople down in the black lake. So what if the merpeople took Marie and Cedric have to save her and maybe Harry will have to save Ron or Hermione.

And I was right!

Hermione was saved by Krum, Ron and Fleur's sister, Gabriella was saved by Harry and Marie was saved by Cedric. Fleur got swept away by the merpeople so she didn't got any point.

Cedric looked very relived when they both came back to the surface. Both Cedric and Harry were tied and Harry got second place even though he came last.

"You scared us both this morning, Moony!" I exclaim as I hug the head to toe wet girl while we walk back to the castle, "How did this happened?"

"I heard it too many times from him already, Hela." she chuckles as she wrap the huge towel tighter on her body to which Cedric notices and pulls her closer to him, "I don't know what happened but Parvati came into my dorm and said that Moody, such a scary teacher," she adds to which I nod in agreement, "needs me to help him some class rearranging and I just went there and next thing I know, I was getting out of a bloody lake." she explains with hands gestures and finally make a explosion movement at her temple.

"Well, I'm just glad that you're okay now cause your lover," I point at Cedric whose cheeks turns red, "this morning was going crazy, asking me questions after questions even when I told him that I don't even know where you went." I sarcastically scoffs as we got into the castle, "But well done!" I cheer patting Cedric shoulder before they started kissing.

"Eww, keep it PG - 13, please." 

They both giggled before saying, "Thank you." in unison before we all parted ways.

"Good luck on the next task!" I exclaim loudly as I walk down to the dungeons with the group as Cedric puts his thumbs up in return as the couple walks the other way to the hall.

"Blimey you're loud." Draco scoffs, brushing his ears.

"Why are you always the one to have a problem with me?" I bark back, rolling my eyes as I push past him going into the common room first.

"You just have problems to fix, my girl." he signs as he sits down on the couch.

My entire body went solid on my way up to the girls' dormitory with Pansy following behind me. I slowly turn around to see everyone reflecting the same expressions on their faces like mine.

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